Regrets on not choosing Madison

Right, the learning community choosing was last week but that might be an angle to ask Housing about if there is any room left in a learning community…read about them and gush about how you would love to be part of the vibrant community in Chadbourne (or Bradley, etc.) But that you would take any residence hall.

Call tomorrow!

Congratulations on your acceptance, OP :slight_smile: It’s much more important to matriculate than getting a first-choice dorm (which many students don’t anyway). Try your best on the latter; those are some good suggestions. Once classes start, and you start meeting people in your classes and taking part in the campus experience, you’re likely to have an outstanding experience.

Since you aren’t too far (unlike I was), maybe you can tour dorms that offer you a spot, to pick the most comfortable one for you before you deposit.

If offered a UW residence hall, I think it would need to be accepted immediately… there are probably no tours. The dorms are in use all summer for conferences and camps. It’s not safe for camp kids to have strangers on tours in their dorms.

If referring to private dorm-like facilities, tours are likely possible.

I was referring to the privates, yes.

If I am offered UW housing, I will definitely take it. So many students don’t even get their top choices when they apply on time. I am heading over to visit in a couple of days and will be touring Lucky and a few other apartments. I will hear back about the housing waitlist by the beginning of June. So if I don’t get university housing, I will probably go for Lucky or something like that. Thanks for all of the help!

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