Regular admission- TCU

HI All,
Does anyone know the date TCU will be sending our regular admission emails?

Another thread pointed us to the TCU website…it says March 13, under the coronavirus questions and answers (counselor section). Fingers crossed…

Any word yet??

I’m following another post and a few have heard…both good and bad. Good Luck to all. Fingers crossed…

Still no word in California

We are in! - Massachusetts. Good luck everyone. Heard at 6:18

@vedo1126 Congrats!!!

ED deferred. Admitted today at 5:30pm. In TX.

Our son was accepted to TCU…thrilled. We live in NY…will we be able to look at the school again before decision day?

Also heard from Fordham and Bentley…all good!

Wondering if you have decided to go to TCU…our son is 95 percent there…is there a NY CT RI MA presence at TCU?

Wondering the same thing! My son is 90% there…we are from Massachusetts.

@eborowsky @vedo1126 I know a few people from New England, mainly NY and MA. However my best friends are all scattered across the country, and there are many different states (pretty sure all, I’ve met students from AK, HI, ME) represented, alongside wonderful international students. The great thing is that there is something for everyone no matter where they come from!

thank you for your reply. Can I ask what are his reservations? Other schools? Distance?
the unknowns?

Hi Ellie! My son has 2 older sisters. He has been to accepted students days etc with them so I think he expected to have that “ah-ha” moment. Usually at one of those weekends, you meet a person or a group of people who you can identify with. It sort of seals the deal. At the other schools he was accepted to, he has friends from his high school who will be attending. He doesn’t know a single person attending TCU so thats weighing on him a bit. Thank goodness we did visit last April so he did get a feel for the school and liked it instantly! He is a huge football/sports fan and I think he liked the school spirit/big sports with a medium sized student body. TCU is unique in that manner. He also liked Clemson and Elon (where his older sister attends currently). TCU is also the most expensive of his options so I’m sure that is weighing a bit on him. Would love to hear more about your sons reservations if you have the time! Also @SuperfrogFan, thank you for your positive words! I have been following your replies for a while now! Stay safe everyone!

Our son liked TCU for the same reasons…although he has not seen the campus in action. We visited this past January when the tours were available but many of the buildings were not open. He has watched tons of youtube videos about TCU. He loves the school spirit but is also a little concerned about the distance from home and not knowing anyone going as well. He has several other options in the Northeast but keeps coming back to TCU. We have two friends who have had children attend and they absolutely loved it. We are in Westchester county in NY and have family in Hingham, MA. We also have a house in RI. Would love to keep in touch and see what your son decides. What is he thinking about for a major? Hoping to get some finality to all of this so we can start preparing! Our son’s graduation has been postponed…school sent out options for the summer all the way to possible the day before Thansgiving…crazy times.

@eborowsky Hello, Not to worry! I am here to help. I am one of the frogs first leaders at TCU for all incoming freshmen and people here on CC that try to answer questions. TCU is centered around the “personal touch” and boy is it, we have entire groups dedicated to kids who are just looking for friends and want to have fun during the semesters. They consist of people that treat each other like family, if you want to reach out I can give you some contact information and get your son connected with some of the groups. These groups are the crew and the end, they are non-fraternal but they have a huge heart. They were started by our chancellor to encourage happiness throughout the campus during a dark time during the 2008 recession. Have a good one !

@eborowski - I did find an alum from my son’s school (he attends an all boys school just outside of Boston - not far from Hingham as it turns out) who was able to reach out to him last week and answer questions etc which was so helpful! It truly seems like an incredible place - with better weather :-). Lets for sure stay in touch! Stay well - stay sane!

@zer0gravity1 Thank you so much for reaching out! The Horned Frogs seem to be such a welcoming, friendly bunch! Your help and encouragement is appreciated!

We also had a positive discussion with a friend whose son attends TCU…they love the school and couldn’t say enough about it. Our son wants to attend…let us know if yours will…maybe they can connect before school opens!

Our Brendan will be a horned frog in the Fall. Please let us know what your son decided. Maybe they can chat! Best of luck whatever his decision is!