<p>I missed EA by a few days (unfortunately) and i was wondering if anyone could shed some light on a certain topic. I often check multiple sites just to brush up on my SBU knowledge, and I noticed a few dissimilarities between a few. The major one was CollegeBoard vs SBU Solar System. In my college board organizer, it says that SBU reg admissions begin on a rolling basis after Feb. 1st, but the Solar system says Feb. 15th. I was just wondering if it is possible to receive a decision before the 15th or is it highly unlikely???</p>
<p>Given the current situation with Stony Brook’s admissions office (they are STILL sending out EA decisions that were due by January 1), I’d be extremely pleased with an admissions decision on February 15th. They, along with virtually all the major SUNY schools, have been inundated with EA applications. </p>
<p>To answer your question: if there is a contradiction between the College Board and a University website, the University website wins 100% of the time. February 15th.</p>
<p>Thanks 4 the speedy response…I guess i just have to be patient</p>
<p>i dont know about you, but i did RD and i dont know what it means but on SOLAR my statues changed to: it was reviewed, decision will be made shortly. and then there are the new student links and all that jazz. so i dont know how that can be that i got in, if i did RD and i already know. i dont know??</p>
<p>yeah, collegeboard has a lot of wrong information</p>
<p>i.e - NYUs RD deadline was january 1st this year, not january 15th.</p>
<p>congrats getsis22…according to the other threads, once your solar receives the new student links, you are unofficially accepted, but that’s weird considering you did RD. Are you sure that you didnt apply before the EA deadline???</p>
<p>it is possible that i applied before the ED deadline, but i never did ED.</p>
<p>when was the deadline?</p>
<p>you mean EA deadline right getsis?</p>
<p>EA I believe was Nov 15 for Application, and Dec 15 for all the other stuff (like SAT’s, ACT’s, whatever)</p>