Regular Applicant's Question

<p>Would it be too much Emory to have processed my application,
considering that there are lot of ED II applicants still?</p>

<p>I have received a letter today confirming (and yes I already made
OPUS ID a week ago) the reception of my application with few parts

<p>I did the homework, rummaging through the past posts here in the forum. . . but I was wondering, if there were any other regular applicant like myself who had received the application confirmation letter with "Initiated" marked on High School Transcript and Counselor Recommendation? </p>

<p>My counselor/admin are both rather unreliable and I was thinking about paying a visit to the guidance and the office on Friday, if the
"Initiated" marks do not disappear by then.</p>

<p>What about you guys?</p>

<p>Anyone? Just moi?</p>

<p>Those are the only two documents labeled as “Initiated” on mine, so I’m guessing they haven’t processed most of them yet. I’m waiting about another week, and then I’ll call to confirm that they at least have the file and just haven’t updated OPUS. I wouldn’t worry just yet.</p>

<p>Emory received my application stuff near the end of December, then they processed it and said it was complete in the first week of January, all through paper mail. All my OPUS items have been complete since then, with the exception of the financial aid items. Hope this helps.</p>

<p>JaySong- Same thing happened to me, so I went to my counselor (who is somewhat unreliable) and gave her a reminder. After about a week the “initiated” was replaced with a “Completed”
So yeah, remind your counselor :)</p>