Regular Decision 2020

guys can u chance me real quick.
I reside in Hyderabad and I passed 12th grade with 88%(CBSE).I have given the Act in December 2015 and I received
ACT composite-27
I applied to Virginia tech to major in Industrial Engineering as its one of the best in the country.I wish everyone good luck

Decisions are UP!!! I’m in! :slight_smile:

ACCEPTED INTO PAMPLIN FINANCE! not my first choice but I’m still super stoked!

Accepted to COE! Glad to say this hell is over.

Applied to COE but got business. 4.3 gpa 33 act but out of state.

Rejected from Pamplin… 3.64 gpa, 1680 SAT (1090 combined), 27 English ACT and 23 Math

Rejected from Engineering. 1780 SAT combined. Congrats to who got in!

lol @bmac504 the hell is only beginning for COE

Hi everyone! Hokie Hopeful and currently in the Class of 2018. Just wanted to know if any of you had some tips or anything you could say about (AP classes, SAT/ACT, etc). Thanks in advance.

Posting this late even though decisions came out like 4 days ago but I got accepted into Tech for my first major! :slight_smile:

Wait listed with a 2310 and 800 math level 2. Testing is pointless.

@ethellou what were your other stats? Testing is definitely not pointless… I had a mediocre SAT and that landed me getting into my second choice major.

So so gpa and an excellent high school. Lots of ecs but not much leadership.

I notice this year a lot of applicants with high scores but not the best grades. I think it’d safe to say tech values grades more than scores.

@ethellou what is so so? and no offense, but what do you think is fair? getting into a school for continuous hard work over the course of multiple years or doing well on a generic standardized test for 3 hours? standardized testing can help, but it really doesn’t and shouldn’t define a student. I know plenty of super smart people with mediocre SAT scores… scores aren’t everything

not trying to be mean, I hope the best for your college journey

Why test then? All I’m saying is tests used to open doors. Now they’re pretty pointless. And though you know plenty of super smart people with low test scores, please don’t tell me that you don’t know a few dullards who have really good grades.

@ethellou of course it can go either way, but testing isn’t and shouldn’t be everything. I’m sorry but the SAT doesn’t say much about a student in my opinion. there is no higher level math or science to gauge from

If the math isn’t high-level then why do your super smart friends score so low?

It is time to just move on. The process is what it is…

@ethellou because they’re scoring high on things like calculus ab and bc-- things that actually form a foundation for eng majors