Regular Decision 2020

that is what they did last year

So most people that get first choice get notified the 22nd? Thanks for the help btw!

yes, last year if you got in the feb round, you were accepted for your first choice. I am not sure how many or even if there are first choice acceptances in march

Thanks so much for that!

Good luck to everyone finding out about their admissions on Monday!

Could anyone chance me for COE if I gave them my stats? & Thanks Sonic9!

Does anybody know what time tomorrow the results are coming out?

Last year they started around 4 & ended around 5! But they didn’t post a time anywhere :confused:

@student810 that makes sense - after school for most of the applicant pool.

@dbjs70 exactly what I was thinking, 4/5 PM eastern standard time

The admissions Twitter page (@FollowMeToVT) usually tweets what time they’ll post the decisions

Do letter acceptances follow closely behind the website acceptances? Thanks in advance.

Nervous for tomorrow… could someone chance me!
I’m an Asian(Indian) female in state applying to general engineering
My GPA is a 4.07 but my freshman year grades consisted of pretty much Bs and B-s, after that I haven’t gotten lower than an A-
So freshman year GPA:3.3, sophomore:4.1, junior:4.5, senior:4.8 (so far)
My SAT is alright, a 1910 but math is my highest score, also I’ve taken two AP exams and expect to take 4 this year with a 5 on AP Calc AB from last year & im hoping for another 5 on BC this year (I love math)
I didn’t do any club or sport related things but I have over 400 service hours-- I volunteered at an assisted living for people with dementia
Also, I wrote all 3 essays and felt pretty happy with them; I think they really reflected me as a person outside of school— one of my essays explained my low grades freshman year (death in the family)
Thanks to anyone that takes the time to read this and chance me!! Would love & appreciate the help!

Someone on the Class of 2020 Facebook page is saying that they’ll be released 4 AM EST tomorrow. He says he was told this during a tour.

Last year they started posting at 4 PM EST.

@purplepiano did more than one person say that or was it just one?

@student810 I’m no expert, but you look like you have a pretty good chance. A 4.07 GPA is probably fine for engineering, and since you’re female that’ll give you a pretty good advantage to engineering. Lots of math also looks good, and I think colleges really like stuff about helping the disabled.

Good luck and thanks for chancing me on my thread!

@bmac504 thanks! do you think they’ll take into account that I had straight As, but bad grades just freshmen year? some people say VT doesn’t look at that.

@student810 I think colleges mostly care about Junior and Senior year grades. Besides, if they see you improved drastically Sophomore year and you explained why your grades suffered Freshmen year, I think they’ll understand.

@bmac504 sweet thanks so much! best of luck