Regular Decision 2020

My son’s last decision too. He just checked and no update.

Good luck @JGCStation! What will do for entertainment after all this is over? :slight_smile:

They just tweeted the decisions will be up after 5.

just tweeted:
VT Admissions ‏@FollowMeToVT 24s25 seconds ago
Decisions that have been completed will be posted after 5:00 pm. #notmuchlongernow

*we (left it out of my post #61). Eek hate typos, especially after the edit grace period has passed! :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for the tweet info @sweetsunnys and @sddanr! - I was just looking at their twitter and clicked off too soon.

You too @SouthFloridaMom9. I can’t wait until it’s all over. My son won’t make a move one way or the other without all decisions. He did decline 2 safeties, but even that was hard for him. He got accepted to his top 3 choices, so why keep the safeties around?

That is a good problem to have @JGCStation. :-bd

I can definitely understand waiting to see everything on the table.

We have VT family members who are anxiously standing by.

We have this plus 3 more we are waiting on! It is going to be a long 1.5 hours!!!

decisions are up.

Mine is’nt up


Son was accepted - good luck. OOS- Engineering

DS IS IN!!! (but I do not see a “college” - it just says “Offered Admission”).

We refreshed the page just for fun and it was there. :’)

My son got in too but how do we find out what he got…it just says Offered Admission…Congratulations! Does that mean he got his first choice?

DECISIONS ARE OUT. ACCEPTED! I remembered from last year they come out a little early

@oneundecided, are they? VT Admissions had tweeted a 5 pm release time.

Once you sign in, where does it say your decision?

Is the application status page supposed to list the major you were accepted to, or does it say “regular freshman applicant” for everyone?

I thought last year it said Engineering. This year I am only seeing Regular Freshman Applicant. We definitely want to ensure we are in Engineering as it will be really hard to transfer from University Studies going forward. There are no longer any guarantees that you will be able to get in–like there was this year.

Are decisions still coming out, or were they all released in one wave? My friend already got his, and he submitted his app at the last second while I did it a month in advance.