Regular Decision 2020

We submitted in September which is why I think we have a decision. Decisions are coming out in March as well.

We submitted the app 11/29/15. Just checked son’s notes.

Where do you see it? Do you have to click on “Application Information” after you’ve logged in?

I applied ED and was deferred, and I’m seeing no decision right now. My hopes aren’t high. :frowning:

Son “Offered Admission!” Applied to Mechanical Engineering. OOS

@Duffy123 ya click on that and then Fall 2016

@sddanr does your son’s page list that he was admitted to engineering anywhere, or does it just say “regular freshman applicant”?

Has anyone gotten rejections?

I hope they’re continuing to post decisions and are not done. Don’t think I can wait until March!

@purplepiano and @kooth12 - my son’s page has no mention of Engineering. The Regular Freshman Applicant was there prior to the notification as well. I expect they would indicate if it was not your first choice, but it is strange that they want you to pay the deposit without reference to major.

@40yearoldvirgin Same I’ve been sitting here looking on my computer waiting for something to happen.

@40yearoldvirgin I applied on December 1, and my friend applied the day the app was due. He’s already heard back and I have yet to, they better not be done.

Does anyone know if there is a way to tell which program you got in? Do we assume it is to our 1st choice?

Same. I applied early December and I haven’t seen anything yet and I really want to know asap.

Mine isn’t up either

@sddanr: I am going to wait for the actual acceptance letter to arrive in the mail. I am assuming that is going to indicate the college of admission. Agree–weird it just says ACCEPTED. although last year I thought it changed to engineering…but not sure if that was after making the payment…I thought it was before.

I’m so confused! I thought release was after 5?
When I click on Application Information then Fall 2016 I just see same summary of info that has been there all along.

If I do not get accepted today does that mean I got rejected$

No, just means you’ll have to wait till March 18 AFAIK.

did anyone instate hear back yet?