Regular Decision 2020

@phoebet11 Why does that bother you? There are families that are involved in their children’s education. If you are a student, you should learn some manners from your parents before commenting on people your parents age. If you are a parent, then what are you doing here? You’re better off keeping your views to yourself.

@phoebet11 There are various parenting styles each having its unique characteristics. This has been a subject of discussion and debate among parents and professional for ages. But, you probably are not old enough/experienced enough to offer any thoughtful constructive comment on the subject. If you believe otherwise, try again, because it did not come across in your post.

@DSNJ2016 is correct, many parents are involved in their children’s education. Many of them on this forum have been providing valuable suggestions and insight trying to help others.

By the way, if you are interested in learning more about the subject, take a few related courses when you get to college.

Got accepted today, OOS engineering, no email or letter just checked my fall 2016 application info

@phoebet11 Did it ever occur to you that some students ASK their parents to participate here? Like those of us with jobs? Or on the sports field at 4 pm? Obviously it did not.

Guys (Don’t wanna be the “goody two shoes”) but let’s try to keep it positive

Hey Everyone! I’m currently a high school sophomore and a VT hopeful. I actually heard that the first round admission decisions were released today and decided to check out this thread. I was wondering if I could ask a few questions.

I am planning on taking 5, technically 6, AP classes between now and senior year.

AP Chemistry - Junior Year
AP Psychology - Junior Year
AP Human Geography - Senior Year
AP Economics (AP Microeconomics/AP Macroeconomics) - Senior Year
AP Calculus AB - Senior Year

I was wondering how many of you had taken AP English Language or AP English Literature? I really don’t feel like taking the class next year, even though I was recommended for AP English Language, due to all of the outside of class time reading. I actually just finished annotating Frankenstein for class and it honestly took me so much time to get through it. Do you think it would affect me if I didn’t do AP English?

Some info about me, BTW
My PSAT scores were 480 for Math and 510 for reading. I know these are actually pretty low, however it was my first time taking the PSAT and I didn’t study for it, then again most don’t their sophomore year. I actually would’ve gotten a higher score if I had there was no guessing penalty or a penalty for incorrect answers. I’m not really worried. I’m also an African American student from NOVA, so the competition will be stiff.

Thanks in advance for answering. Hopefully, in two years, I’ll be in the same position as those who were accepted here. I’m actually planning on taking a tour of VT later this summer. I’ll be in the college class of 2022 by the way.

What makes you say that if you applied ED, you won’t get acceptance during the February round?

@bmac504, my S applied in early January and got his decision last night. Fuel for your fire maybe?

@JGCStation, my S also applied to engineering (and no others). We noticed too that the portal doesn’t say which program, but we assume since that’s all he applied to that the acceptance is for that school.

Still haven’t heard back and I applied for Early Decision back in the middle of October… Both parents went there and I have tons of other legacy, grades are fine. Just don’t really understand their decisions process. It’s too confusing and it’s upsetting. Been wanting to go to this school since birth. It’s really letting me down at this point.

Does anyone know what to do after paying the $400 matriculation fee?

@dbjs70 VT tweeted yesterday that anyone admitted in yesterday’s first round was accepted into their first choice major.

@SALSRL, yep. Thanks - I saw the tweet after I posted :slight_smile:

@ak2018 I think taking APs can be different in many situations. For me, I’ve only taken AP Calc AB in high school and was just accepted into the 2nd and 3rd best architecture schools in the nation (VT is #3) . If you have a high enough GPA and good test scores, you really don’t need many APs.

@ak2018, my son is out-of-state, so it is not directly relevant for you, but his school does not offer any AP classes and only offers honors classes in 11th and 12th grades. He took several honors classes and one math class at a junior college, but did not take any AP classes and was offered admittance yesterday to General Engineering.

Again, with the understanding that his situation is different than yours, it does show that it is possible to be admitted to VT without AP classes. The test scores that show up on his Application Summary are: ACT English=26, ACT Math=29, SAT Verbal=630, SAT Math=690. His unweighted GPA=3.79 and his Weighted GPA=3.97.

I agree with @dweaver16. My son has also only taken 1 AP course in high school (but he’s taken college courses, so I don’t know if that = AP ???) and has been accepted to VT and a few other top notch engineering schools.

@dweaver16 That’s true. It really depends on the person and the application, but I see your point.

So are they not going to release any more decisions till March 18 or will a few people hear back until then?

@Bobbx123, it sounded like, from VT, decisions were being released on 2/22 and then again on 3/18. Based on that I wouldn’t expect anything to be released in the interim.

My son got his acceptance letter today and it states he was accepted to general engineering but his major was biomedical engineering. Do they put everyone into general in the beginning?

Yes, all first year engineering students enter under General Engineering. They will apply for their exact major as they enter year #2.