Regular Decision 2021 Discussion/Results Thread

My S got admitted to Bio Chem and we are OOS. As I live outside US, it is going to be OOS fees for us wherever we go. So the question is does VT give out any scholarship for OOS students? Will general scholarship include any OOS specific awards? S has few other admits, but he is leaning towards VT for now (few more decisions will be out in March). Thanks.

Does anyone know how many students got acceptances 2/20 and how many will be notified 3/17?

Did anyone who was accepted receive anything in the mail? My son was accepted on Feb 20th and I assumed they would send a packet or something but nothing yet.

We received a packet on wednesday

Did your son or daughter complete the deposit first?

It looks like they don’t send an offer packet unless you pay the deposit. Which is weird but I guess it saves money.

“To accept your offer of admission and receive your offer packet, you must submit your $400 matriculation deposit by May 1. You can either pay online or mail a check or money order. Payment online is preferred.”

The mailing we received was a large envelope with letter, brochures, stickers. Letter is the typical congrats and included “your response to the offer of admission and matriculation fee must be submitted online or mailed and postmarked by May 1st.” It is not the financial aid / scholarship letter.

I also received my letter of acceptance a few days after I found out. I didn’t submit my deposit. @MSMead

Thanks! I spoke to admissions. They mailed packets last Monday but a least 2 applicants from PA have called saying they did not receive anything.

We received the packet in the mail Friday. We are waiting to hear about Financial aid first. Definitely my sons First choice though.

My son didn’t receive his packet either. I called admissions today they said there have been quite a few calls on this and that if you don’t get it by Wednesday then call and the will re-send it.We are from NJ

My son received his today.
BTW the lady at VT said they were bulk mailed on Feb 20th. My mailman said that bulk has no time limitation for the post office so it sometimes will sit there before its processed.

My S has not received his admissions packet. We are in CT. Looks like will give it until Wednesday and then call admissions! Thanks :slight_smile:

Just saw my D’s depressing financial aid award online. No mention of scholarships yet; hopefully that will make it better.

We weren’t offered any aid at all. As a parent of an OOS student, this is really depressing…

I just looked at financial aid as well. I didn’t expect much so its not shocking. Some scholarship would be nice but we are OOS so whatever they offer I am happy to have.

Received $10,000/yr scholarship. We are OOS. Puts it now in the same price range as Penn State.

So this did include merit scholarships?

My daughter received $4,000 provost and $6,000 VT freshman scholarship. Total of $10,000/year.

All of you with financial aid info, are you ED or RD applicants?