Regular Decision 2021 Discussion/Results Thread

what is a provism scholarship?

Awesome, thank you. I can see the loans based on my fafsa, but if I don’t see anything given for merit, should I assume I didn’t receive any?

My S’s aid looks the same. I was hoping that they didn’t determine merit yet but several others posted scholarship money. So I’m thinking what he see’s is what he gets.

My child’s aid package also showed loans but no merit money. I called the University Scholarship/Financial Aid office today to inquire if scholarships might be coming later and was told that they come together. Very disappointed. We are OOS and while I understand and agree with the proposition that OOS kids pay more, I think a $5K or $10K scholarship for talented OOS kids is warranted – they would still be paying more. It seems like many OOS kids here got ZERO merit money.

Our in-state flagship offers OOS kids $10K and $12K pretty routinely (and yes, my child did apply there too). And other out-of-state flagships my child applied to also offered merit awards.

Might have to scratch VT off the list now.

I agree. Our net price calculator showed a $4000 grant or merit in addition to the loans which would be ok. But without it I’m not sure VT is competitive. They better knock our socks off at the accepted student day! We are waiting on 2 more schools. S received an acceptance today from a well price LAC. The end is near…

*prosim scholarship

Wow, I have to admit I am shocked at the lack of merit $ VT is providing. DS got a $6k 1-year scholarship 3 years ago, and his stats were not nearly as good as DD’s (her GPA is slightly higher; her SAT is 100 points higher). DD got NOTHING. WTH?! We’re already paying them OOS tuition for DS. DH and I are both alum (which is why we figure DS got any $ at all). I really can’t believe it. VT was actually low on her list because of the cost even with a modest scholarship, and their program isn’t quite as well suited to what she wants to do, but I’m just bewildered…

Just a guess on my part but… High visibility VA state U’s are being pressed to take more instate students. UVa recently announced addition of another 100 seats for instate freshman and made a big deal about it - yes 100 seats was a big deal. So the schools are stuck between a rock and a hard place as OOS brings in more $ but the legislature is not happy when their constituents complain that their kids can’t get into the state U. And at least on the surface, UVa, VT, W+M seem to be attracting sufficient numbers of higher caliber OOS students without throwing money at them. I think they know they’re walking a fine line and it may change year to year…

So the question becomes…

Is VT worth $40,000 a year?

And the answer is, as always…

It depends.

We are OOS. My son received a disappointing $3000 scholarship plus his federal loan. He has more affordable in state options. He is disappointed as VT was in his top 2 but it just isn’t enough money to justify it. Pitt is looking better and better, unfortunately he got NO merit from them, as of yet. Still the more affordable option though and closer to home.

@STEM2017 What school is your son thinking of attending? ASU (Barrett), VT or UF? We seem to be on a lot of the same forums.

@SAD1010 Yes, yes, and yes. Plus U Houston, U at Buffalo, Ole Miss (Barksdale), UCF, and U South Carolina.

It really depends on the programs and the money. Lots of unanswered questions remain.

Im still waiting to hear back

@STEM2017 Good Luck!

Thanks @SAD1010! You too!

Has VT sent out all of their scholarship money I recieved the UT Prosim scholarship but i have a friend with better test scores and probably a slightly better GPA who hasnt recieved anything?
I really was hoping he would get something cuz he cant afford full tuition because we are OOS.

If your friend received the financial aid letter from VT stating how much he would have to pay to attend VT, then it’s final. @bkbuckeye

Can anyone help my friend rly wants to go to vt but did not get any money. He is oos and his only problem is tht hecwants to go to grad school which would hurt him financially. Is there anything he could do to figure out how to pay for vt for undergrad school and probably come back in stste for grad?

We live in MD. Son has 1520 SAT (790M, 730V) 3.94 UW GPA, 4.64 W GPA. Got accepted to College of Engineering but just received his Financial Aid statement Saturday showing ZERO need scholarships (no surprise) but also ZERO merit scholarship money. Blown Away… Both Mom/Dad are VT grads. He got a $100K scholarship to WVU engineering and a $20K scholarship to MD engineering plus admission to honors. Tech is missing out on one FINE engineering student and a long-time donor/season ticket holder. So messed up. GO TERPS!

@goingtoMDnow I think you should make a call to VT. You’ve earned the right being an alumnus and donor. If your son would rather attend VT, you should tell them so, and also tell them why he won’t attend with no merit aid. It’s worth a try.