Regular Decision 2021 Discussion/Results Thread

Hi, does anybody know if International applicants are included or is it just U.S. freshmen. Because I still haven’t received any decision yet. It just shows the date it received my transcripts.

@Blackcode881 did they get all of your transcripts/scores by March 1?

Yea, in fact they got it by February 1.

@Blackcode881 Maybe they post it a few times throughout the day since they said “after 5PM on 3/17 evening.” Is it up for you now?

@RejectedDysonAEM It still isn’t. How about your brother’s, did he receive his decision?

My daughter was wait listed. 1440 SAT, 750 math. 3.6 GPA, in state, NOVA. Good ECs. Great essay. Ridiculous.

@baniontree I agree that is ridiculous! I’ve been less than impressed with Tech’s process and communication.

@Blackcode881 No luck for him as of 7:09PM. How about now for you? Post here soon as you get a decision, and I’ll do the same.

does being waitlisted mean you were not accepted to both your first and second choice major.

@collegeadmissions Yes, you are waitlisted. You may be offered acceptance in either your 1st of 2nd choice major, once they determine any spaces available in a particular major/program. To have this chance, you must accept to stay on the waitlist, which costs nothing.

I was offered admission from SE Virginia with a 33 ACT (36 English, 35 Science, 35 Reading, 29 Math), and 8 APs, 10 Honors, and 2 Dual Enrollment math courses. Looks like this was a tough RD round!

3.7 gpa and 32 act-- rejected. varsity tri-athlete (four years) and captain, volunteer, president of two clubs. a little bummed but everything happens for a reason

what were the stats and majors for the people who got waitlisted/rejected? some of these stats you guys are giving are insane to be rejected… I was accepted with 3.75 gpa (rising gpa 4.0 in senior year of the 1st semester) with 1170 sat. My major was university studies.

@sbgal2011 @SCLADY12 daughter accepted to VT. Her decision just became harder. @sbgal2011 we know lots of kids who got admitted last year off the Waitlist! Fingers crossed but sounds like your son has some great choice!

Did any international applicant receive their decision? I haven’t gotten mine yet and I’m a little worried now

therealest101, I’m an international student as well and I haven’t received my decision yet!! I don’t know whats going in

@hle2000 I also have the same problem. In my status page it doesn’t show any admission decision but only the date they recieved my transcript/ACT scores.

@hle2000 @therealest101 I just got information that all international applicant’s decision will be posted on April 1.

@Blackcode881 Thanks for sharing!
Did you call them up or did they post that information somewhere?

@lopeztlo7 Congrats on the admission! DS is upset but he’s on the waitlist, we will see what happens. Given the stats of others who were put on the waitlist, I’m actually surprised he wasn’t flat out rejected.

@TheMoneyMan DS was waitlisted for Business with 3.8 GPA, 1100 SAT. His friend was admitted with as an Undecided major with a 3.8 GPA and 1150 SAT. So I definitely think intended major was a factor. I too am surprised by the stats of waitlisted kids, I can’t help but wonder if they were Engineering applicants.