Regular Decision 2021 Discussion/Results Thread

@undercover007, Appreciate your comment. Do you have professional insight on this or are you also a student? The reason I ask is bc I would ove to ask a couple of questions

Does anyone know what programs tend to open up more on the waitlist? In other words, what programs tend to have the most openings? I know the numbers vary wildly year to year, but I was told that spots rarely open up for Pamplin, that most people who get off the waitlist are admitted to Liberal Arts, Education, “Undecided”, etc. Any truth to that? DS was waitlisted for Pamplin and I’m thinking his chances are slim to none for being admitted.

@sbgal2011 don’t think there’s every been anything but anecdotal info about the waitlist, sorry.

they go to the list so sporadically there’s no telling. for example, last year the whole list got off, the year before no one.

@polyscidub I hope you hear from Syracuse soon–They send an email with your decision letter.

Accepted into the Engineering School!
1300 SAT
4.63 W GPA
4.0 UW GPA

Will be attending UVA however!

@waitinginnh22 i can tell just by looking at the checksheets online for the majors.

Congrats to all you future Hokies! So happy for you! And for the rest of us… well…

Misery loves company, and now I don’t feel so badly. VT left a LOT of talent and potential on the table from the stats posted. DS was waitlisted, ACT = 32, 3.55 unweighted. ALL 5 of his friends were also waitlisted, and their stats were much better than DS (though, realistically, DS is tallest so that should count for something… :wink: )

My grandmother always said that things happen for a reason, and in this case I think it’s true. If given the chance, DS would have taken university studies at VT and cross his fingers on a successful transfer into engineering over an engineering slot at another great school. This shuts the door and makes it a non-argument so that is good.

Now we just need to figure out which great school will get him!

@shermizzle exactly 3 years ago my S had a similar experience. He was deferred EA then rejected from UVA. His ACT was a 34, GPA 4.0 unweighted, tons of leadership and extracurricular and he was a legacy. We all were stunned, angry, bitter. He moved onto his second choice of Wake Forest and is completely in love with the school. Admitted to the Business School on his first try, immersed in the campus community in terms of service, participation and academics. He said he cannot imagine now going to school anywhere else. Your grandmother is correct. Your S will find his happy place and be a successful productive member of society. I wish you both the best!

@waitinginnh22 Sounds like our sons have similar choices. Any decision yet? For mine it’s coming down to UT Architecture vs. Penn State Landscape Architecture. He’s also in at U. Mass., Auburn, and Buffalo but less than enthusiastic about those (although I think he might be surprised by Buffalo when we visit next week). Will probably scratch Auburn off list since he’d pick Austin over Alabama. Wish Virginia Tech had given him a clearer option, but I can’t seem to find someone there willing to return a phone call to explain what the second-choice major really is.

I declined my offer to attend VT, GO PSU!! Good luck to those trying to get off the waitlist!


Wow - the 2017-18 tuition / room+ board increases are LOW.
We’ve been running 4-5% the past 4 years, mostly closer to 5%.

Corp of Cadets currently training on the drillfield…

BTW, I use that webcam to watch the remembrance ceremonies for the shootings (assuming I can stay up until midnight lol). The memorials are right there at bottom center of the picture . There’s a plaque for each person lost that day, between the shrubs and semicircle sidewalk

Sorry to keep re-posting this. I hope it helps someone…

If anyone here is a Costco member, this deal popped in my inbox today. Its a Lenovo Flex 5 (15" monitor) for $899. It has all the required specs for VT engineering and it looks like a solid machine.

I canceled my Lenovo P40 order ($2,000) from the VT bookstore and I’m going to take a chance on the Flex 5…and save $1,000.

The pen/stylus is extra, but you can get one for $25.

The deal expires on June 25, 2017. Here is the link…