Regular Decision chances?

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>Asian female living in New Jersey (suburban/middle class)</p>

<p>Rank: 2/273 (Top 1%)
GPA: 5.07 (probably unweighted/no clue what my weighted GPA is; the current valedictorian has a lil over a 5.1 GPA)</p>

<p>SAT I: M-710 CR-650 W-740 (12 on essay) Best total= 2100
SAT II: Yet to take them (dec.)</p>

<p>By the end of the year, I would have taken 4 AP classes (Stat, US II History, Spanish, and English). The most number of AP’s I’ve seen a student (from our school) take is 5.</p>

<p>Also, I belong to a specialized program that focuses on learning and interacting with other cultures. I have a particularly keen interest in learning new languages (Right now I’m learning/can speak 5: English, Korean, Spanish, Japanese, and Russian).</p>


<p>Peer Tutoring (9, 12): Spend two hours a week tutoring a Hispanic ESL student using Spanish
Junior Statesman of America (11)
Spanish Honor Society member (11, 12)
Enthusiastic Reader Award (9)
Spanish Immersion Day participant (10)
Russian Olympiada participant (11- won silver)
International Day Participant (10-12)
National Young Leaders Conference nominee (11)
2005 Dominican Republic Mission Trip (10 days- my essay will probably be about this topic)</p>

<p>Since I don’t have any leadership positions, it will definitely weaken my chances. However, I’ve tried to participate in activities that reflect on the theme of cultural interaction and diversity. </p>

<p>I’m also planning on applying to Cornell (my stats may come up in the Cornell thread sooner or later lol). If anyone has any thoughts on either or both colleges (which one they think are better in certain respects), please share!
Also, is Brown generous with its financial aid package/system? Money will definitely be an issue for our family.</p>

<p>Any comments/feedback are greatly appreciated. Although my extracurriculars and SAT I scores are kind of low (at least for verbal), I hope that I can do well on the upcoming SAT II’s…</p>

<p>the languages thing is unique/interesting...maybe play that up in the essay or when you explain extracurriculars</p>

<p>Brown is pretty tight - however, they told us flat out that they will match offers from "peer institutions."</p>

<p>Lots of work, but get in somewhere with deep pockets like caltech or princeton and then comp[are offers.</p>

<p>For big non-need based financial aid you have to get out of the Ivy league and comparable schools. Brown won't match those, though.</p>
