regular decision chances...

<p>i was instructed not to apply early b/c of my sat scores....but ne way...i really love notre dame and its definitely my first choice</p>

<p>class rank: 18/365 weighted....17/365 unweighted
gpa: 3.875 uw...4.33 w
sat's: 1400 (660 V 740 M) i realize on the low side for some of my schools
satII's: 720 Math II...650 Writing...RETAKING AND THEY WILL GO UP! also will be taking a science
courses: have always taken the most rigorous courses since freshman year with the only exception being ap history...other ap's include spanish bc calc english...senior year schedule is also the most difficult (ap span..ap eng..practical politics H...ap calc bc...physics h...latin h- gpa first quarter was 4.75 w)</p>

<p>extracirricular activites: bunch of clubs...pretty much average....varstity athletics...standard i have lead a retreat for the past three years</p>

<p>work: 35 hrs/week at country club this summer and into november
25 hrs/week at store last school year
11 hrs/week at indoor sports pavilion during this school year</p>

<p>recs are amazing!!</p>

<p>so what do u guys think?</p>

<p>i would say you have a good chance!</p>

<p>thanx...a kid with similar stats to me...he had a 1430 on his sats but i have slightly better extra cirriculars was recently accepted ea so i like to think i have a good chance too</p>