Regular Decision Class of 2023

Hey, I wasn’t sure if this was posted already. With RD decisions right around the corner, I thought I’d create this thread.

Fingers crossed, hoping for the best! Good luck to everyone! :smiley:

Decision Date: Tuesday, March 5th 5PM EST

We are counting down too. 9 days to go!! Are you in state or out of state? What major? We are in Colorado and my son put Business, Undecided. He has two friends here in Colorado that got in EA. One CoE and one business undecided. Good luck to you or your student.

Please do not take this wrong but why are there applicants from Colorado trying to get into Pamplin at VT? Is it considered a good business school in Colorado?

The one friend that got in is moving east this summer. My son wants to go there because I went there, my dad went there, half our family went there and it’s just a fabulous environment. Leeds Business School At U of CO is a great business school but he really wants to go to school out of Colorado (he grew up in Atlanta - we moved here 4 years ago). Also, it’s $35k in state so not exactly cheap. Plus, we have tons of family in Roanoke.

I get it. I went there. Have two there (one in grad school), two nephews and one that just accepted EA. Blacksburg and the VT experience is awesome. We have had big tailgates for years. Good vibes for your son getting in.

Thanks! Another reason my son wants to go to VT is colleges out here don’t have much school spirit. The football and basketball games don’t have many students in attendance and he really wants to go somewhere that has that. You can’t beat the energy in Lane Stadium!

Enter Sandman. Ha

Cool to hear your son is applying from Colorado! I’m technically an OOS student, applying from California, but I lived in Virginia practically my whole life. Definitely going to need to clear that up with VT in terms of tuition costs.

I intend on majoring in Political Science–also possibly in Economics.

Love VT as a school! My friend and I drove down there from NOVA in January to see some friends. It was my first time on campus.

I hope your son receives good news come Tuesday! Business is one of VT’s specialties, he would do great there. @hokieinCO

@pungie2000 good luck to you too! I hope the next week passes quickly. I graduated from Va Tech in 1992 with a degree in Finance. I loved my four years there. You will love it. I grew up in Roanoke and Norfolk. That part of the state is gorgeous.

@hokieinCO Let me know how it goes for your son! Fingers crossed. :smiley:

How does VT notify? Email, mail?

@kwajmama they update your student portal - that would have been set up by your student via an email received after they applied. The link to it is:

What are you or your child majoring in? @kwajmama Just hoping to pass the time before decision day with conversation. xD

@pungie2000 Engineering and u?

@kwajmama PoliSci, wishing the best for you. Engineering at VT is excellent

Got an email reminding us decisions come March 5th. I don’t think they’re releasing early this year!

I was checking my application yesterday and saw “HS Transcript” under the requirements. Since my school already sent the official transcript, I decided to call and ask them. They told me that all they require now is the “Final transcript” after I graduate high school. I thought schools only ask for final transcript after the applicant gets in? Well, maybe the call was an indirect way of telling me I got into VT. Excited for Tuesday to hopefully confirm this!

Omg that’s exciting! Let us know if you are accepted! :open_mouth: @sven17

Less than 24 hours to wait!! :smiley:

I get my decision at 2PM tomorrow! Omg, can’t wait.