Regular Decision early notification

<p>Accepted!! Haven't gotten letter or financial aide package yet. I need the $16,000 a year scholarship in order to afford it. :-(</p>

<p>Has anyone been wait-listed this year at the University of Miami and does anyone know how long their wait list might be and/ if they ever take anyone off the list?</p>

<p>I just heard back today, and unfortunately/fortunately I got wait-listed. I'm glad I still have a chance! </p>

<p>In the letter it says that I should here back with a decision by June 15th, and it says that in past years they have used the wait list and they also haven't used it. So we'll see.</p>

<p>I was deffered early action, but now I got wait-listed for fall 2009 but accepted spring 2010? my letter came yesturday
did your letter say limited financial aid will be given, possibly none?
it's my top choice but without aid I can't go : (</p>

<p>Accepted for Spring 2010 :( top choice, but may not wait......</p>

<p>waitlisted. </p>

<p>which doesn't make any sense. a lot of people i know who are pretty much shoe-ins got waitlisted. i don't think i'm going on the list though. it depends on my other schools.</p>

<p>likeme, do you have their stats?</p>

<p>Did you do anything special to let the school know you would be willing to wait until spring 2010 for admission..? Does anyone know what Miami's history is with wait-lists?</p>

<p>Hey so i also got waitlisted to UM which i thought was amazing considering my stats are crazy low haha. i was wondering how many other people got waitlisted and what your guys' stats are.</p>