Regular Decision notices

Does anyone think there’s any chance reg decision may come out this Friday? I know it will probably be later in the month, but just wondering if anyone knows when to expect it.


Hi- please respond when you hear something. I was guessing by middle of the month.

We are still waiting for deferred decisions from EA as well. They said by mid-March

Yes we are basically deferred from EA as well. It’s not looking good to hear next week either as I think that is their Spring Break. This is a loooooong wait it feels like. I’m now expecting it 3/20.

It looks like this Friday is when they are posting regular decision notifications.

Hi There…Were you able to confirm this with admissions? Asking for a friend :wink:

It says it on the website. They have a whole Coronavirus section and one of the questions is will application processing be delayed? The answer is no - regular decision notification is on March 13th.

Thank you so much for the update!!

Thank you so much! Will remain hopeful
in Massachusetts. Good luck everyone!

Does anyone know what time TCU usually releases decisions

I can’t find where it says that they will send decisions out today.

Go to and click on the question: will-your-file-processing-be-delayed

I see that, but where is the date, March 13th?

Found it… it’s under the counselor section

I think they normally post decisions at 5 pm. So 3 more hours . . . good luck everyone!

The writing at the top of the application portal page saying applications are under review has disappeared looks like decisions are coming

My son is deferred but he has not heard a response. They said notification by mid March. Nothing yet.

My son’s letter said mid-March for EA referred to RD

They’re out for RD! In with Dean’s!

Accepted with faculty scholarship let’s go!