Regular Decision Notifications.

<p>PRaffen - my daughter's stats are:
800/Math II
780/US History</p>

<p>5 AP exams, with 5's on each
4.0 GPA; about 300 students, top 2-3% probably (school doesn't rank)</p>

<p>NCTE Writing Competition Award Winner
Published writer
great (if unconventional) essay
we're confident recommendations were favorable</p>

<p>EC = rowing & clarinet</p>

<p>ie, well-balanced, bright kid
didn't cure cancer
fortunate position of also having an early acceptance from Dartmouth</p>

<p>Anyone else whose been accepted, would you list your stats? Thanks</p>

<p>Daughter has 96+ average, ranked 11/173 in her class at a well regarded public high school. Did not submit SAT scores as her ACT was higher. Had ACT composite of 31 with 11 on essay. She has several EC's with long standing committment to them. I'm pretty sure she had very nice recommendations, although we didn't see them.</p>

<p>accepted, 1370/1600 SAT and gpa around 3.83.</p>

<p>Accepted on Long Island! </p>

gpa: 95+
SAT: M 740, CR 660 WR 750
ACT: 31
Rank: Top 5%</p>


SAT: 680M/620CR/630W</p>

<p>I have no intention of attending... I never filled out the supplement and never sent in a resume or official transcript from my HS because I honestly didn't think it was worth my time.</p>

<p>Pretty unusual I was even evaluated..</p>

<p>Freestyla, I'm honestly curious what was worth your time? Your stats are certainly very good, but seem to be right in line with Geneseo. What didn't you like? Where</p>


<p>Unweighted GPA: 98.9
Rank: 3/287</p>

GPA (weighted) = 96.731
Rank: top 15% - #62 out of about 500 students.
SAT: 1280 / 1870
ACT: 29
Lots of ecs, good recommendations (FOUR), strong essay. Overall, a well-rounded applicant in my opinion.</p>

<p>But I'm probably going to Binghamton instead.</p>

<p>Accepted! My Dad is really pushing for Geneseo but I have yet to be thrilled by it. We'll see, I guess. Anyone going to the Preview Days?</p>

<p>GPA- 95 weighted, 93.3 unweighted
Rank- 27/229 (top 11%)
Sat- M 620 CR 730 W 760
Good EC, Recs, Essay</p>


<p>I'm not sure, I'm considering it. I want to visit all the schools I got accepted to got into before making a decision.</p>

<p>Ford1998, I don't mean to knock Geneseo... It's certainly a good school, but I want to go to a school with a strong business program and I don't think Geneseo's is very high in the ranks.</p>

<p>I'll probably end up going to either Binghamton, Bentley, Villanova, NYU or Northeastern.</p>

<p>I was accepted! I'm happy because it's comforting to know in case finances at the college I actually want to go to don't work out, I have a good public college I can afford as my second option (that isn't Binghamton...shudder. My dad was always pushing me for Binghamton, but it's just not the kind of college I want to be at. And Binghamton is such a dreary city).</p>

<p>Son got his official acceptance packet today. They sent him a letter a couple of weeks ago informing him that he was going to receive acceptance. We visited the school in October 2007. My husband and I liked it but my son wasn't impressed. He felt that it was too much like his high school environment. I can see his point. We walked through the Main St. on a Sunday and everything was closed. We toured the school the next day (Mon.). The campus is pretty. The new science building is impressive, but son isn't planning on majoring in the sciences. The other classrooms are typical classrooms in a building that was once an elementary school. I'm sure the academics are top notch and we know a couple of current freshmen and they love it. I'm sure it's a perfect fit for some.</p>

<p>I received my letter from them today
Decision: Waitlisted</p>

<p>Freestyla, I reread your entry after I submitted my post and figuredyou weren't dissing Geneseo. Your response explains very well why you wouldn't want to apply there. You've selected some great schools, and will no doubt be getting a lot of good news soon. Thanks for the response.</p>

<p>yea I just recieved my letter today too.</p>

<p>wait listed</p>

<p>Long Island, NY</p>

<p>Did anyone who got accepted receive any scholarships? Does anyone know when we recieve fin. aid packages etc?</p>

<p>No financial award letters were sent yet...I think that will be about mid-march depending on when you sent them the FAFSA</p>

<p>i just got my mail</p>

<p>no letter, ugh its taking so long </p>

<p>i live in new york</p>