Regular Decision

<p>So, I think RD decisions for CC should be coming out soon but does anyone know when RD notifications come out? If they do let me know! Thanks</p>

<p>in 2010, they were mailed out on the 12th but last year they didn’t start coming in the mail til the 25th. i’m actually dying haha.</p>

<p>Damn. Guess it’ll be a surprise then haha</p>

<p>I had to email the admissions office about my application and got a response today with the quote: “We expect to have decision letters in the mail by March 20.”</p>

<p>Do they use fedex for international students? Otherwise it could take weeks.</p>

<p>I don’t know what they use to send letters to international students, but my admission decision for EA in December only arrived a few days after everyone on here got theirs, if that helps!</p>

<p>My son received a letter in the mail today - he was waitlisted. Not what he was hoping for. 3.8 GPA, 30 ACT, lots of ECs, varsity athlete - state/national champion, published author, lots of community service. They said it’s a very competitive year. It’s his second waitlist - also waitlisted at Wash U.</p>

<p>Wow so that means the letters have already been sent out? o.O</p>

<p>That would be awesome.</p>

<p>That just gave me a mild panic attack haha. I’m too worried</p>

<p>Maladroite, I read some posts from last year in this forum and people started getting their decisions the 21st, not 25th. They were mailed the 14th. I also believe that the colleges don’t send out all the letters on the same day since this would be a rather arduous task. I hope getting my decision by Friday and not the week after that, and I will put a note on my door that says fedex can just leave the letter at my door if no one is home. I take my mail rather seriously ._.</p>

<p>We live in Colorado, so my guess is that some letters were mailed on Friday, 3/16 and my son received his waitlist letter on Saturday 3/17. At least CC admits some students off their waitlist every year - that gives my son some hope he may still get in. Good luck to everyone!</p>

<p>Sportsmom, I’m surprised to hear your son was not admitted. He sounded like a very strong candidate.</p>

<p>For 2011-12, 1152 students were offered a place on the wait list. 376 accepted a WL spot. Only 15 of those were admitted. So if this year is anything like last, unfortunately the odds are not good.</p>

<p>Thanks, tk1769. We were also surprised he got waitlisted. One of his high school teacher’s, who wrote one of his recs, is a CC alum and has really been pushing CC with our son, since he is such a strong student. He even emailed CC faculty he knows there on our son’s behalf. As a parent, I’m starting to feel very discouraged. Most of his remaining schools have a lower acceptance rate than CC, so between this waitlist and Wash U, I’m not very optimistic about his chances at his remaining schools. Fortunately, he’s been accepted to a few safety schools - none of which he’s terribly excited about, but he may have to get excited about one of them. :)</p>

<p>By the way, in CC’s waitlist letter, they state the following:</p>

<p>“Typically, we admit between 20 and 80 students selected from the approximately 300 who choose to remain on our waiting list.”</p>

<p>Daughter just heard: ACT 32 (Math 34) GPA 4.33, Co-President of one club, officer of another, supporting lead in school musical, member of dance company, long list of service activities. Brother attending in good standing. Rejected. And, understandably, a bit shocked.</p>

<p>I’m sorry to read about the waitlist and rejection. I think a reason your son was WLed, Sportsmom, is your location. The school, like many others wants geographic diversity. In our area, getting into NYU and BC is very difficult because almost everyone who is a top student here applies to those schools, upping the mark for those from here. </p>

<p>Also CC, among a number of school, particularly LACs and other small colleges are girl heavy. These schools do not want to go more than 60/40 in f/m ratio. We see this here with local colleges where some young men gain easier acceptance than females with significantly higher stats.</p>

<p>Still, Chroma2, I am shocked.</p>

<p>so very sorry to hear the waitlist and denial. I am sure you are all very disappointed and as you say , shocked. Amazing how incredibly competitive admission is getting! I would have thought you’d be fine but have confidence that with the strong stats you shared a great place is waiting somewhere else they will love. Good luck</p>

<p>Are there any internationals who have heard anything yet? Please post here when you get your letters :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the kind words, cp and skier29! Yes, I think that being a girl, and from NJ, which has so many strong students who apply to these excellent schools, doesn’t help her at all. Maybe we should have moved to Montana…</p>