regular decisions

<p>anyone accepted yet?</p>

<p>still waiting</p>

<p>My daughter received her acceptance letter from Binghamton today!!! I was shocked!!! It says that “You have been selected from over 27,000 applicants for one of only 2,000 seats in the freshman class.”</p>

<p>The envelope is 8 1/2 x 11 (approximately) and is green and white.It says “You’re the 1 we want” She applied regular decision.</p>

<p>akward- are you instate or out of state</p>

<p>OOS however, stats are ACT 31, GPA 3.8 (unweighted), lots of EC. Also URM, although based upon their stats I think she would have gotten in without being URM or OOS. I think she debunks those on CC that think OOS students are being admitted based upon more lax standards…She submitted her application on 1/15/2009.</p>

<p>akward, congrats to your daughter. I don’t think “she debunks those who think OOS are admitted on more lax standards, though.” Bing (and the other SUNYs) definitely let OOS kids in with lower standards than IS, your daughter just happens to have high stats.</p>

<p>Did she apply to Harpur?</p>

<p>^^Yes, she applied and was accepted to Harpur.</p>

<p>@Muffy: I think she can definitely be considered an exception since her stats are higher. I see your point, but you must admit she would have had a good shot at getting in whether or not she was OOS - based on her stats - her scores are definitely within the range that they accept students and nowhere near the low end or under the range, which is what some seem to imply is the case with many accepted OOS applicants. That being said, she hasn’t received any money from B, she’s just been accepted. She probably won’t go there unless they give her some money since she’s got full rides at a couple of other colleges.</p>

<p>my sister applied regular decision to Binghamton around the end of December, was accepted a few weeks ago.
Not 100% sure on the stats, but ill try
Applied into Psychology
GPA W - about 3.4, maybe a little lower like 3.38 or something
SAT - 1840/2400 ???/1600</p>

<p>We were all surprised of the acceptance, let alone how quickly it arrived</p>

<p>mrfish – in state or out of state?</p>

<p>No need for suprise, you are OOS. It is time for all instates, parents, etc to write to state legislatures. It may be too late for many 2009 acceptances, but demand market tuition for spring 2010 (yes sunys raise tuition midyear). this will encourage transfers out. DO IT NOW. MAKE SUNYS HERE. Below is a parable explaining the problem. </p>

<p>Your have a wealthy grandfather (lets call him Grandpa NYS), who is getting elderly and hard of hearing loves all his grandchildren. . He gives you an apartment building (lets call the building SUNY), with the understanding that you will take care of all the cousins. There are 10 apartments in the SUNY and you rent each for $25 per month to cousins, which is used for operating costs. Because your grandfather has given you the house with no mortgage (he has incurred all capital costs), it doesn’t cost that much to run. Time goes on. Economic times are tough, but the neighborhood the apartment is in is actually improving. Now you can actually rent several of the units to friends for $50 per month. The friends are more “trendy” and you are happy. But now several of your cousins can’t live in SUNY, and have to pay $200 month for some place else to live. They complain, but you say, well my friends will pay more and the SUNY building can have more frills and I like them, so that is it. And Grandpa doesn’t hear their complaints.</p>

<p>i imagine that any oos applicant will soon realize that it is no longer safe to post ones stats and good news here. shame that the free flow of information will probably be hampered.</p>

<p>There are plenty of other SUNYs, you can go to a different one if you don’t get into Binghamton.
Meanwhile I’ll be having fun chilling with all the OOS kids.</p>

<p>So much for the Admin propoganda of mingling. </p>

<p>Again, all instates – bring up the issue, or have your parents at pta, etc meetings. pass around contact infor for state legisltures. This isnt just a Binghamton issue, it is all sunys. </p>

<p>Lower out of state SAT/GPA lower the value of YOUR degree. </p>

<p>The pittance of out of state tution is small compared to the 8.4 BILLION of state funding.</p>

<p>Free flow of information would be if the SUNYS posted instate and OOS SATs/GPAs seperately – oops we know that wont happen.</p>

<p>we have OOS deferrals/rejections at our HS…all honors/AP’s, B ish grades, 1800/2400 etc…presidents of clubs…</p>

<p>No, what would make me feel better is if SUNY released stats. They wont, unless the state demands it.</p>

<p>kayf is 1000% correct. lowering the standards for OOS applicants wil eventually devalue the suny system as a whole.
i expect to get into bing as a resident because i have decent scores, but my girlfriend expects to be denied because of her scores. she is a great student, natl honor soc, ec’s, pt job. ap classes…and 3.75gpa but she only got a 1080 sat and a 25act. imo, she deserves a shot a bing just as much as an oos resident with lower stats.</p>

<p>honestly, if oos residents were accepted with the same criteria, i would have no beef with bing or any of the other sunys that practice this hideous admission policy. its a joke and it will ultimately backfire on NYS.</p>

<p>That is why ever NY resident needs to write his/her state assemblyman, state senator etc. Do it now, there are NY residnts on wait lists, looking to transfer etc than need your help. Tell your parents to bring up the issue at PTA meetings and get others invovled.</p>

<p>nystudent: if it makes you feel any better, I don’t think we’ve seen any OOS students accepted with a 1080/25 SAT/ACT…but your GF should get a shot given her GPA…</p>

<p>rodney that would make me and her feel better actually knowing that their stats were higher than hers. at least it would seem fair.
i guess you can say she was given a shot, at least, cause she was deferred EA to RD. It just really sucks because it doesnt really matter how good a student you are…all they care about are scores.</p>