

<p>Want some cheese with that whine? :p</p>

<p>why does your floor suck?</p>

<p>here's two, hope it kind of helps.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I got a Rieber Terrace triple. Does shared bathroom mean one of those between 6 people or is it one per floor?</p>

<p>Kinda wish there was one of those virtual tour things already done, can't wait until I can go check it out.</p>

<p>BTW, Shawshank_Knives, nice you're the first person I've seen that also got Terrace. :)</p>

<p>wow it looks a bit smaller than it seems when i went to check it out a month ago</p>

<p>Shared bath means it's shared between two rooms, so between 4 to 6 people.</p>

<p>6 just means you have to plan your showers a bit more carefully.</p>

wow it looks a bit smaller than it seems when i went to check it out a month ago


<p>Tons of decorations and clutter do that. :p</p>

<p>Thanks UCLAri. Whenever I see the words 'shared bathroom' I visualize a bunch of angry people banging on the door screaming at the person inside to hurry up. o_o</p>

<p>I read on the site that Terrace was for 'single upper division students'. Do they group first years together or is it mixed?</p>

<p>Dang that means being in a triple is gonna suck, seeing how with doubles it seems a bit crammed.</p>

<p>haha it's seriously not crammed in a double, it just looks that way with tons of posters and stuff. my pics from the first day with NOTHING on the walls makes the room look a lot bigger (i dont want to post them cause im in it hahaha) but when i do see the triples walking by its pretty crowded not gonna lie.</p>

Dang that means being in a triple is gonna suck, seeing how with doubles it seems a bit crammed.


<p>Yes, your life is going to suck so much. You're going to hate it and want to go crazy. It's awful. It's like living in a hovel with typhoid carrying peasants.</p>

<p>It's really not that bad. Trust me.</p>

<p>Or don't. Or don't believe everyone on the forum who says, "it's not so bad." You'd be amazed how much mindset can affect things.</p>

<p>UCLAri, I think you should just give up trying to convince people that triples aren't gonna be the end of the world. No one's taking in a word of it. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>Oh is it possible to bring a frig in the dorms living with triples? I don't think there's space to put it anywhere.</p>

UCLAri, I think you should just give up trying to convince people that triples aren't gonna be the end of the world. No one's taking in a word of it.


<p>You're right. Besides, it's more fun to scare them about the elevators in Dykstra. ;)</p>

Oh is it possible to bring a frig in the dorms living with triples? I don't think there's space to put it anywhere.


<p>I dunno about you, but most of the time my girlfriend was over, she fit just fine...</p>

<p>Oh crap, you mean "fridge!" I thought you meant frig as in "a euphemism for the F-word." Oh man, how funny. </p>

<p>No. There's no room for fridges in triples unless you all huddle together and sleep upright. Get used to standing a lot.</p>

<p>I had a fridge in my triple in DeNeve last year... it was kinda cramped but it worked. I believe there's just enough space for a fridge in a res hall triple, though two of you may not have optimal chair operating space. We ended up using my guitar amp as our TV watching/Playstation gaming chair last year also, basically you'll need to be creative about your space.</p>

<p>Yo LSS, i hope to see u there next year
By the way...are u an international student??? (Just wondering...cause it says Hong Kong for your location)</p>

<p>hey uclari, so whats so bad about the elevators in dykstra? =p</p>

<p>Oh... the usual. Let's just say that you should NEVER go to the Dykstra basement alone.</p>

<p>You've been warned! ;)</p>

<p>Shawshank_Knives, I don't think I qualify as international - I'm a US citizen, I've just be studying abroad for the last 7 years. I think out of state probably. Are you a terrace triple?</p>

<p>UCLAri: What's up with Dykstra and the basement??? I'd like to know because some of my friends got Dykstra!</p>