Reject from Grinnell and next steps

The Arizona, Alabamas of the word - well Arizona is on common too - but Alabama is 10 minutes - no recs, no nothing - unless you do Honors.

There’s many schools like that- on the common app or stand alone.

Figure which “safety” for both admission and cost - you need both - you want -and get 1-2 in. You might be surprised at the ease.

Look into Wilkes Honors at FAU - that might be the size / cost you desire - all in one.


Yes - they are doing you a favor!! It never hurts to ask - the worst they can say is no - but they did you a solid - some may say, let’s stretch and they thankfully took that choice away.

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Yes will look into it. Alabama is definitely in consideration.

They had indicated 32-42K as typical range at Rollins for family contributions. We became greedy and asked for 32K :slight_smile: We will try to engage with them. Rollins looks like an amazing place with good education.

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If you’re looking into U. of Alabama also check out U. of Alabama - Birmingham. It’s particularly known for its medical/health fields.

Also, seconding @JBSeattle’s suggestion of Ohio Wesleyan, another CTCL member to boot.


Yes will check both.


Please post back if they do reconsider, but I would take this as a solid “no” crafted in the kindest way possible. They are not willing to even give an acceptance that they know would not match what you are purposing you are willing to pay.

If you have the means to pay for Stanford by using savings, then Rollins feels insulted that you would not spend it there since they are the one more likely to accept him.

I think you need to look at public colleges that will come in under $32,000 that others have proposed. University of Alabama - Huntsville Could be an option. $36000 tuition, Room and board, but some merit would be offered to get you lower.

I had no idea Rollins costs nearly $80,000 for full pay, no merit. I think others on your list will come to a similar standoff, but probably not worded so gracefully.


Ok. That is an interesting interpretation. Let us see how it develops.

I feel (not that it matters what I feel of course! ), once the CSS Profile is submitted they should just decide based on that whether to admit and whether to give any need based or not. Why ask a question how much we can/want to pay. Thankfully most LACs seem to be interpreting the Financials without posing this question.


Because they are need aware - and that means they make an admission decision based not just on the academic profile but the financial profile.

They don’t want to admit you, knowing that you won’t attend.

For them, better to reject you.

Only need blind schools (the publics, for example) separate the decision.


Rollins is a good school, but I wouldn’t necessarily say that it’s any better than a lot of public LAC’s with a lower sticker price, like MN-Morris and Truman State, both of which would be within your budget even without merit. UNC-Asheville is another - would be pushing the envelope without merit but it wouldn’t take much merit to bring it into range. Really lovely setting, too. There are also the smaller SUNY schools - Geneseo is the most LAC-like, and the sticker price before any merit is just over 36K/year, and international students can get up to 9K/year in merit. SUNY-ESF could also be worth a look if he would like an environmentally-oriented school; ESF students can also cross-register at Syracuse University and take advantage of other SU resources.

Wooster, with its emphasis on research, is an excellent choice. AustenNut’s other suggestions are great too. Alabama-Huntsville has been mentioned; auto-merit would bring the price into range, and it’s a smaller school with strong STEM.

Sorry for the disappointment with Grinnell. The competition for funded spots, for international students with financial need, is fierce. Is there a reason why you’re limited to 5 more applications? In your situation, if I had only 5 chances, I would lean toward the public LAC’s where need-based aid would not be a consideration. The quality of education at these schools is definitely comparable to Rollins and many other expensive private LAC’s.


Yeah. I guess that way they can protect the yield.

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That is an excellent suggestion. We will have to finalize and start executing on the list in a day or so. Will keep all the colleges you suggested in the short list.


and look into FAU Wilkes - I say that because the size is what you like and it’s excellent. And call Kalamazoo on Monday - that’s your Rollins (albeit freezing vs. warm).

I just put India in the NPC and got a 42K merit - which then would bring you to the low 30s. This is Kalamazoo.

Another poster mentioned Beloit- may be another LAC to look at.

btw - if you did do Alabama and I’m not saying you should (just that you should get a “will meet cost” - they have Blount Scholars, Randall Research Scholars - the point being and not just there but others have similar - all these schools mentioned have tons of smart kids - and if your kid wants challenge, he’ll find it!!!

Kalamazoo College – Kalamazoo College (

FAU | Wilkes Honors College - Homepage


Oh… Thanks much for the efforts. Will look at Kalamazoo.

Alabama can be one of the possible remaining ones. Not done yet.

What area of the country do you want to be in? What size? There are other “lower” cost schools - just not that low cost - and UAH (about 10K-known for engineering) and UAB (in the city, known for healthcare) are great choices.

But there is smaller and other geographies that could work - so let us know the desire and we’ll find more.


Soft preferences are:

  1. Place where we don’t have to be worried about aggressive racism.
  2. No religious bias. Compulsory religious courses etc. should not be there.
  3. Good Biochemistry with research focus at undergraduate.
  4. 30k-40k cost.
  5. Should have academically competent student colleagues. He should not be the top student. I did my masters at Hawaii and was not able to learn much from colleagues. PhD from Berkeley was an amazing experience with so much to learn from people who are intellectually superior to you.
  6. If possible low/no snow would be better. California, Florida, Texas, New Mexico, Washington etc.
  7. If possible start-up/entrepreneurial opportunities.
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Have you looked at Allegheny? They are incredibly generous with merit. My d22 was offered so much merit that she would not have needed need-based aid. She ended up elsewhere, but Allegheny is still great.


No I had not. Will check it out. You mean Allegheny college right?


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  1. Racism is everywhere - and not necessarily in the south (don’t fall for the stereotypes). Segregation is especially everywhere.

  2. You want a public school or non religious private. Note, you will find religious kids - but not via the school - and that’s also anywhere.

  3. If you want research, all you have to do is ask. It’s a misnomer that you can only research at public schools. That’s why I mention Randall Research and Blount at Bama. I know them. There are others at other schools that I don’t know. They have also have Mccullough Medical. But anyone can do research - you simply need to ask.

  4. We gave you lots of ideas - $20-40K

  5. This is everywhere - put it this way, if someone can go to Columbia for $80K or Bama for $20K - you have both. At most every large country in the college, you have Ivy caliber students - and even kids who turned down Ivy. Bama, again, just as an example has more National Merit Finalists than any college in the country. Why - they pay them to go? There are others too - from U of Oklahoma to UT Dallas to many schools. Smart kids abound - and I think this is where you erred on your initial list because you didn’t think this is the case - but it is. Will there be lesser students at a Bama or similar school - yes - but tons of smart kids too. Anyway, your kid may be above average but will not be the most academically superior. Of course, it’s up to him who he associates with - you may think he will but he may not (parents always think their kids will be that studious type; the kid may have other ideas).

  6. Kalamazoo is a no go. CA Publics are pricey. Florida - I told you FAU Honors. They have bio chemistry. There’s other schools but maybe not rigorous enough for you at cost or you are too late (FSU, etc.). A school like Texas Tech or others in TX (not UT or A&M) may work - they have lots of publics - such as UTSA, UTEP, Stephen F Austin and more. Texas State is another. U New Mexico, NMSU, and New Mexico Tech look like they could work.

  7. That’s a tough one - at any school - even the Stanford’s of the world. But maybe your son will deliver!!!

FAU | Wilkes Honors College - Concentration in Biological Chemistry