Reject Train Going Full Speed

Well, today, finalist results for the Questbridge National College Match will be released.

Good Luck

Good luck

Yes, good luck and keep us posted!

Good Luck, keep us posted!

Now that’s a very different feeling to be selected as a finalist after facing 14+ eventual rejections last year.

Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way.

Now for November 1st


Hooray for you, @HKimPossible.

I’m looking forward to match day now. Keep the good news coming!

Yay! Congratulations!

Have you turned in your 12 school ranking? Care to share?

Best of luck going forward!

Determination and persistence, hard work will always get you ahead. Don’t Ever let someone tell you, you can’t!

Super! Have you considered asking to have the thread title modified? Each time I see it now, it doesn’t reflect your new upswing.

Hip Hip Hooray!! This is fantastic news!!

Your thread title should now be “Reject Train… stopped!”

Or…Reject Train Pulling into Acceptance Station! ?

Is a finalist guaranteed a match or is there some degree of doubt still? I’m not clear exacly how Questbridge works (though I know OP will be choosing/ranking twelve school’s he’d like to attend).

Most finalists are not matched, but a solid amount do end up at a QB school. Not all (or even most?) rank a full 12 schools either.

In 2018 1,044 of 6,507 finalists (16%) matched. QB estimates another 2000 finalists were accepted thru QB RD to a partner school. See stats at the bottom of this link:

I have heard this as well…why would applicants not rank 12 schools, it’s such a missed opportunity.

That’s great news!! Congratulations - you deserve this. QB was established specifically for people like you!

About 1/6 of all finalists are matched, and, of those who aren’t matched, about 40% are accepted RD to a QB college with good financial aid. Together they make up about 1/2 of all QB finalists.

Awesome!!! Congratulations!!! I’m confident that you’re going to have a good outcome this time around, no matter what, but it sure would be great to see that come to fruition on November 1st - fingers crossed!

Oh hello, I did not check this forum in a while as I did not expect this much activity already.

Thank you for the good words. I have ranked 12 colleges with my counselor that were pretty competitive but again, offered some really neat focuses on Marine Biology, Psychology, and of course, pre-med. I focussed more on fit, which did end up making the college list competitive, but they are really the ones I’d like to bind to if matched.

My list is:
Northwestern - My research (I can continue), proximity to home, and a possible HPME
Stanford - Marine Biology and Environmental Science
Yale - Marine Biology Lab + Environmental Science
UChicago - (Yes, I have rejected here ED1 Common App last year) for the SES Program, Psychology, and CORE
Amherst - PreMed Track, but I am in need of some convincing due to its small size and my not so easiness towards very small isolated LAC.
Brown - PLME + Premed + Great Anthropology + Psychology
Dartmouth - No supplements…haha - Environment, atmosphere, geographic location, D-Plan, and a large emphasis on abroad experiences.
Columbia - The Original Core, NYC, MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC! I’d like to be wealthily involved in music. Also, they have a marine lab!
Rice - Texas Clinic research/PreMed.
USC - PSychology/Neurology + LA!
Pennsylvania - PreMed, great interlays between the city, of course, a great Psychology + Anthropology combination to major at.
WUSTL - The more I researched, the more I was feeling this university. Besides their PreMed and clinics there, PreMed. Location check passes and feels like a place I’d really fit well into from talking to students there.

Before you say, “Whoa, where are the safeties,” I got the green light from my counselor with feeling ambitious as I have U of I (Urbana Champaign) to fall back on a full-ride scholarship as I qualify for their Illinois Promise. This is my ultimate safety; I am extremely lucky with my Green Card to have such a great public school to attend if all else fails.

As I’ve done more research, I felt like going the traditional “Pre-med” biology/biomedical/biochem majors would be immensely repetitive and not intellectually “stimulating” in the sense that I’m learning something “new”. I wanted to actually major in Psychology and minor in Anthropology or Environmental Science (Of course, many schools have similar “CORE” classes/general ed to check off all the Pre-Med requirements).

Also, to be frank, I didn’t really think I’d be a finalist from my god forbid low GPA (a 3.65 unweighted) when compared to the 50% average Questbridge finalist GPA (a 3.90!).

So with that, I am left with a bit of excitement to try for these big schools truly for what they offer and my fit there based on my online research. I omitted MIT and Caltech because, to be honest, I’m not really into engineering and couldn’t really see myself involved in what those schools have to offer - and definitely foolish to put them on the list for the “name” bling as I’d waste two spaces for great schools I’d love to attend.

Come December 2nd and I don’t match to any schools, I’d be able to apply regular decision to any of the forty Questbridge schools as a Questbridge Finalist or Early Decision to one of the schools (that have this option) that I ranked.

For now, I just have some essays to think about.

Also, if people are curious about the Questbridge 2019 Finalist Statistics, here is a link!

Of 14,926 applicants, 5842 were selected as Finalists
Average GPA: 3.90
AVG SAT: 1310-1450
AVG ACT: 28-33