Reject Train Going Full Speed

I guess my GPA is too low for anywhere great after all.

I’m sorry to hear you weren’t matched. You still have great odds for RD or ED- remember, my D19 was accepted ED1 into a Questbridge school just a week after the Match round. Keep the faith!

No QB match, that means? Sorry to hear but not a biggie given that most QB finalists do not match.

“Last year, over 2,500 Finalists were admitted to a college partner through QuestBridge Regular Decision — the majority of QuestBridge Scholars gain admission through this process!”

I’m sorry you weren’t matched - but as you know, QB carries you further than just match day and most QB finalists get in through the RD round. So, it’s disappointing you weren’t picked, but unlike last year, you’ve got one solid safety and more chances.
Now’s the time to choose an ED2 choice.

Replace “great” with “falsely recognized as one of the few so-called prestigious universities by those who think lists are the only thing that matter” and I might agree with you. Besides, you could probably apply to any one of those schools with ten different names all with your exact same stats and find that some would be accepted and some would be denied. It can turn into a numbers game with random results that are no reflection on your achievements.

The truth is, there are many GREAT schools out there that will accept you and where you can thrive and succeed. Shake your mind free of the trap.

Agreed, but no college will admit me in the RD round so I might have to hust forget about those. I mean, those who do match in the RD probably had higher EFCs which may be why they didn’t match during the NCM.

I still have a lot of RD colleges I’m interested in so that’s a plus.

Yeah I know what you mean. But I really though Northwestern would pull through especially aftering being published and having a recommendation.

I think the essays I submitted were pretty great this time around.

It’s not my citizenship nor my pell grant, so I’m almost sure it’s my gpa.

Again you’re going with assumptions. You don’t know why you weren’t matched, nor do you know why they were.
So, you can apply through RD and choose an ED2 college, too (from outside your original QB list).

@MYOS1634 Would it be wise to ED to Northwestern?

I’m sorry you didn’t match, but don’t get down hkim.

Some QB schools may allow you to still apply EDI/REA/SCEA so look into that asap. Also decide on a EDII school and complete what you need to for that.

From the QB FAQs:

This will take some time and research, going school by school. For example, you CAN STILL APPLY TO NU ED, here is what you would have to do if you want to make NU your number one choice:

I strongly encourage you to apply somewhere ED/EDI and EDII. Are you confident your GC can help you navigate this?

Have you submitted your application to UIUC?

Only if it is your first choice…is it? You have two days to contact them, see my post #490

Thank you. Yes, Northwestern is my #1. The other schools I have no connection (like a research lab) so that would be an auto-rejection.

Ok…then follow the directions on the QB site/portal to apply ED. Choose an EDII school now as well…if you want posters to help you strategize this, let us know, or DM me, myos1634, etc.

I know this process is difficult, but making assumptions like this will not help you. You don’t know why you didn’t match, nor do you know that you would be an auto-reject at any of the the schools you ranked or other QB partner schools. Chin up…there are miles to go and a positive mindset will reflect in your remaining apps/essays, etc.

What is the status of your UIUC application?

Again, you’re making assumptions. There’s no “auto-rejection”.

If Northwestern is #1, contact them immediately, following the process outlined in #490 exactly.

You also have to consider the possibility NU might not want you to stay on, despite your connection through the lab, and think of an ED2 optionin case they turn you down ED.

UIUC is currently pending so we’ll see next week or so.

@MYOS1634 That’s what I was worried about. If they had put me in the rejection pile, I’m not sure a ED roll over would breathe life into it.

Can your GC call and ask if applying ED is worth it for you?

Not all QB colleges have the ED option, so dig through the list to figure out if there’s any college with ED you like better than Northwestern.

I don’t think you can assume that you’re in any school’s “rejection pile.” Each of these schools allocates only a very small number of slots for QB match, and you didn’t get one of those. That’s not the same thing as a rejection; in fact, it’s not even as negative as an ED deferral (and people still get accepted after those). NU’s ED acceptance rate is around 26%. I’m not sure if we have access to how many match offers they make relative to the number of candidates they evaluate, but it’s got to be significantly lower than 26%, considering that the overall match rate is half that, and NU is on the more competitive end of the QB list.

Sorry for the disappointment; it’s been such a long haul for you and we were all hoping for the early slam-dunk for you this time. But you are still in great shape, really. And if NU is your first choice, yes, play the ED card. Be ready with your EDII and RD apps, but I see no reason to assume that you’re not a viable ED candidate.

@HKimPOSSIBLE Questbridge college partner admission is extremely competitive for unmatched Finalists during subsequent rounds. It is highly advisable to also apply to a range of target schools where you are confident you can be admitted and have a chance at Financial Aid, in addition to QB.

“Options following the match” for your 12 ranked schools (all on the QB site):

There are a few good ED targets on this list, if you don’t decide to ED with NU. Double check that you have already turned in all the application materials for your 12 ranked schools. Also, it looks like the only school that you ranked that has EDII is WUSTL…but some QB partner schools that you didn’t rank will allow you to apply ED/EDII. For the schools that you did not rank you will need to look school by school to see there requirements for applications (ED/EDII/RD)—it should all be clear on the QB website and in the QB application management system.