Reject Train Going Full Speed

Clearly the universe wants you out of Chitown!

Yup, clearly your optimal college isn’t in Chicago :).
So, where are you going to ED2?

@OHMomof2 Oh…I meant I am about to put the pedal on the gas on ED2’ing to the University of Chicago. I’ve asked my counselor and he says it seems wise to do so (especially surprising since I was rejected ED last year as a DACA). Our school has a pretty close relationship to UChicago so hopefully it’s makes for a possibility.

I asked my counselor and it seems the deferral comes down to interest, as they would’ve straight up rejected me if I wasn’t as strong/interesting an applocanr like last year.

For a senior being deferred, it could be how the University of Chicago wants to see their second semester performance.

However, as a gap year student, my transcript is set in stone, so it would be likely that it boils down to interest - especially as a Questbridge finalist who has a lot of RD possibilities.

I think many of us look at it differently. However, you have a great school in your pocket , so absolutely give it your all. I thought you HATED UChicago, however

Interesting that you can apply ED2 upon deferral from EA. Is this a QB perk? Good luck in this endeavor.

@cptofthehouse I hated them…because I loved them too much kind of thing as it stung so much last year.

The ED2 is actually an option for all deferred early action/decision students from UChicago.

I’m confused. A defer means you are still in play. You’re saying you can really swap this for a fresh ED2 application? Maybe so, but please find yourself the specific UChi options. I believe they’re different for EA vs ED.

If your counselor has a good relationship with U Chicago, can the counselor probe around with Dean Nondorf etc. to find out your realistic chances? You might be banging your head against a brick wall there, and your ED2 card might be better played somewhere that has not already said no a couple of times/ways. A few years ago, one of my daughter’s friends applied EA to University of Chicago. She was a double legacy (father alumni and sister currently attending). She was also multi racial hispanic/asian. U Chicago called her counselor and asked her to change her EA to an ED2, and she was admitted and now attends U Chicago. Have you gotten any such feeler’s?

I agree that having your GC chat with a UC admissions staffer makes sense. Will they do that?

If you are certain U Chicago would be your top choice of all the potential ED2 schools on your list, then do roll your app over.

OTOH if you were trying to maximize your ED2 acceptance chances (pending your GC chat with UC admissions) you would probably choose a school that needed more Asian males, like Vassar. And then…of course you would only do that if you liked the ED2 school better than UIUC and the full ride. So again, maybe points back to taking your chances at UChicago…a lot of considerations and moving parts!

Your QB finalist status will still be somewhat of a hook in the RD round (should ED2 not work out)…although I am not quite sure of your RD list anymore!

I was not aware of this UChicago twist. However, I defer to the GC on any judgements on how to proceed. I’m not impressed with this GC in not knowing about QB but usually GCs are the best source of info for state and local schools if this counselor feels this strategy of Switching from EA to ED2 is the way to go, would go with it.

We’re alums here —lived in Chicago 3-5 years, had our first kids here, one went to Lab school. Used to know people in the administration but it’s been years.

I don’t know if Chicago or NU have local area preference that some colleges do. They don’t always advertise these things. Among the AOs and GCs, it’s known Statistically, OP does not have the numbers for acceptance, but back story, QB , and GC push could do it especially if there is a LAP policy.

That this was not brought into full thrust last year,bothers me. Perhaps, seeing OP in no college gets the GC hopping.

@Houston1021 Well our school has our own designated admissions officer whose sole responsibility is our high school.

@lookingforward Yes, it still means I am in a play. The University of Chicago offers an ED2 for deferred applicants (and I think new applicants as well but don’t quote me on this one).

Chicago does offer ED2 as do many schools, and those are generally comprised of students who were not ready to apply in time for ED1 or who applied SCEA or ED to other schools over Chicago and were not accepted, or in the case of SCEA, want other alternatives.

It has to be a relatively new policy to permit deferred EA applicants to move over their apps to ED2. I don’t like the strategy as it seems to me to be a deliberate ploy to control and up yield. I had seen some EA deferrals in the Chicago thread that made little sense to me. I’d have thought they were strong accepts, and they were accepted by MITand Caltech. It now hits me that Chicago may want a commitment from some of these applicants before accepting them. I don’t like this game one bit.

This is what Tulane does also. EA deferrals are encouraged to switch to ED2. Certainly helps yield, esp for high stats.

@HKimPOSSIBLE. My son went to NCP in Chicago 3 years ago. They also have a dedicated UChicago person. They were at the school a lot. They help put on the financial aid seminar and the junior day when you find out about colleges and filling out the application. Yes, the counselors will “suggest” certain kids. Having an inside person is big. Give your school a call and see what they can do. Let them help you reach your dreams. But… Your UIUC admission is amazing! ?

Is this new for Tulane too? My youngest was accepted EA a few years ago. It never occurred to us that he might have had an ED2 alternative had been been deferred. I guess it’s cheaper for the school than offering a scholarship which is what they did back then.

I think it might have been for tulane new last year or two years ago…

Tulane clearly prefers ED to EA so when it’s on the fence it may suggest ED2 to a deferred/deferrable EA applicant. The applicant isn’t left guessing though, clues are dropped or calls are made.
In this case I’d be very wary of applying ED2 to UChicago unless the GC can explicitely say that the admission officer at UChic called and said to him/her that HKim should switch to ED2.
Also, NU and UChic are so different that aren’t you interested because they happen to be top universities located in/near your city? How is UChic a good fit if NU was a good fit? And how are you different from a hundred other kids from your HS and a hundred other QB applicants applying there?
(Not to mention UChic is tough for premeds).
You already burnt your ED with Northwestern.
I think you ought to look into colleges where you mean geographic diversity, not schools with a hundred applicants from your school - Vassar is a good suggestion, but there are lots of other possibilities.

Though I tend to agree, and have been telling HKim that he would enhance his chances at LACs not so well known, but highly regarded, with good financial aid and good support system and attention to students instead of a gauntlet like Chicago, especially as a premed , he wants to stay local. The Chicago schools, and then predictably, CWRU and Wash U are highly in his list. This is very typical of Chicagoland and Midwest applicants. The same with other areas. Most students like to stay within area, which is why geographical diversity tips are there. Not as strong as hooks, but can make a. But if a difference in Admissions to these schools that get far more students from their region than they want to accept. CMU does not want to be Private Pitt, for example.

But I defer to the GC on this one. That person is right there with the most current info and can deal directly with the local AO. Has a lot of influence. Also knows of any LAP policies. Sitting back , out of the inner workings, which all of us are doing, we don’t know certain specifics though I think many posters here far more knowledge about the process in general. I don’t like the way Chicago, Tulane and other schools using ED2 when paired with ED , but that has nothing to do with the process as it is happening.

I know we have talked about the premed issue a lot on this thread and others, but myos1634 does resurface a valid point re: premed at UChicago…it is difficult to keep a 3.7 GPA at that school.

When do you have to decide to roll into the ED2 pool? If your GC can’t talk to the UC AO by then, I wouldn’t do it.

And then…the pre-med issue…Really think about your goals…and if pre-med is far and away your primary goal you need to think pre-med strategy…because it is a strategic decision, full stop.

If you are certain you want pre-med, U Chicago is less desirable than some of your other choices…especially for a student who received some B’s in high school (no offense, of course most students do).

I’m pretty sure UChicago has alllowed EA deferrals to roll in to ED2 ever since they have offered ED2… @JBStillFlying?

I agree with you fully. I did not Pay attention to when UChicago started offering ED2 and the ramifications of having EA and ED2 which, come to think of it, I am seeing increasingly happening. I missed the strategy that these schools have taken in this direction.