Reject Train Going Full Speed

@HKimPOSSIBLE… Awesome. But I gotta ask… Lol… Since there was so much advise… What did you wear? ?.

Ohhh haha. My aunt purchased a dark blue blazer, a matching neck tie, and a light blue dress shirt from Nordstrom rack! (The belt was from there for sure)

Also I wore khaki pants and some brown dress shoes.

Perfect – you slayed it! :slight_smile: We’re so happy for you!

I am sure you looked sharp. ?. Now you some nice clothes for things going forward.

Indeed! At the GPPA information group, they mentioned that around 700 applicants applied to the GPPA medicine and they asked around 105 applicants for an interview, so based on the previous years’ rate they will accept around 30-40 students for the Medicine Program.

Just heard back from Washington and Lee University that I am a finalist for the Johnson Scholarship!

So it seems like it is a competition of some sort for a full ride, tuition, room board, and more depending on need!

If someone has more information on it and what exactly the “competition” is (W&L said finalists “compete” for the scholaeship) I would be grateful!

Also, does becoming a finalist mean one is admitted already?

Also it seems like I need to travel by myseld to Virginia (all covered by them of course). Hm

W&L would meet need anyway, even without the scholarship, but if you get the scholarship there’s also an extra $7K of grant funding for summer pursuits so that would be nice! And a fully-funded trip to visit the school is, in itself, a pretty nice perk. I’d guess this probably does mean you’re accepted (although I’m not specifically familiar with their process) - how did the W&L NPC look, as a baseline?

Congratulations hkim! What an honor! When do you go to Virginia for the interviews?

You aren’t already admitted, but it is my understanding that Johnson finalists will be (pending committing a crime or something)…being a Johnson finalist means you are in the top tier of applicants!!

Edited to add: found what the website says:

Whoa! That’s awesome.
@aquapt It looks like W&L meets the full demonstrated need, but that FULL scholarship for everything does sound great along with the $7000 scholarship for possible summer internships or studies!

@Mwfan1921 Oh okay I see, good news nonetheless for sure I guess! The “competition” (which I have no idea what structure it will be on) is in late March, so plenty of time to think about it. I do need to RSVP by February 7th though.

Go to the faqs page I linked to above…it talks about the weekend and activities.

Congratulations. Can’t wait to see where you end up. If you have some interest then fly out. You have been through a lot. Take a free trip… There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Ahh, thank you everyone! Definitely things are much different from last year!

A slip of paper really does change a lot of things.

Hooray for you, @HKimPOSSIBLE. So happy to see things falling in place for you. Another exciting option!

Assuming that the OP is exactly the same size now (as a high school senior, age ~17), while applying to medical schools (as a college senior or recent graduate, age ~21-22), and while applying to medical residencies (as a medical school student in year four, age ~25-26).

Do t’ second guess this for now - take the free trip. Enjoy the visits and activities. Even if you don’t choose W&L, it’ll be a nice weekend :slight_smile:
And one more choices is never bad.
My main reservation wrt W&L is that it’s not economically inclusive but for the Johnson trip it doesn’t matter. (You’ll probably notice things but over 3 days they wouldn’t be detrimental to your enjoyment of the trip).
The campus is fantastic and historical, and the culture really different from Chicago so t should really be a treat. :slight_smile:

Hey! Just wondering if you applied to Harvard and whether you received an interview invite yet?

Great news!!! I’m so happy for you. Any and all BS/MD programs are highly selective and have always been winners much of the time even over HPY. It takes a lot of stress out of Med school applications

The Wash &Lee possibility is truly a treasure. Consider it very carefully. There are some true advantages in going to a LAC. It will be a change in culture going there from a city like Chicago, certainly but it could be a worthwhile venture.

Getting slicked up in a suit these days can be over kill, IMO. A good sports jacket, freshly pressed shirt and khakis, all well fitting will carry you through most situations. So the outfit is a good investment.

Keep us posted! The reject train has pulled out of the station to far better destinations this year!

Congratulations! One of the boys in my daughter’s high school class got the Johnson Scholarship at W&L. He chose to attend W & L with the scholarship because of the great financial benefits. He turned down an Ivy which would give him $0. They probably have invited more candidates to the fly in than will receive the Johnson. Go to the fly in and have a great time. The reject train has turned into the fly in plane!

Sounds good! Also, I see that W&L is considered a LAC, and not a University. Is it that W&L doesn’t have a graduate school (which is completely fine, I’m just curious if it was just for namesake)?

I decided I will for sure take the trip as there really is nothing to lose like everyone here has said, plus it sounds like a wonderful experience too. I’m actually pretty excited about it because it’s a full-ride scholarship, different from a 100% need-met financial aid.

Also, I guess I am in a dilemma.
Currently, I put UChicago (Psychology and Anthropology) as my ED2, which, last year, announced their decision on February 15.

Hypothetically, say I was admitted into the UIC GPPA Medicine Program which guarantees (with a minimum GPA and MCAT) admission to UI College of Medicine (a top medical school).

Of course, I will have many more colleges to hear back from too, including Case Western’s own bs/MD program and the coveted Brown PLME program.

Would it be wise to change the application for UChicago from ED2 to RD? Being a physician is my end goal, but UChicago has been my absolute dream school. That being said, UChicago is notorious for grade deflation for the science GPA (which is incredibly important for Med School), but I have heard things are getting much better at the school, especially with the direction the school seems to be heading.

Psychology and Anthropology aren’t your typical Pre-Med majors, which I think would be very completing at a humanities-oriented school like UChicago and deflating have minimal effects, but it’s worrying me - posts anywhere from 4-10 years back of Pre-Med disaster stories.

Does anyone have insight on this? I’m in no way saying I will get into UChicago (very unlikely), but I seem to have an emotional attachment and with my ED1 rejection, non-match for Questbridge, and an EA deferral, it’s a long stretch.

@JamesG8264 Yes I did, and my interview is actually in an hour from this post!

Speaking of, I’m surprised my interview isn’t at the Harvard Club of Chicago building like last year. A matter of availability maybe?