Reject Train Going Full Speed

And plme allows you to major in whatever you want. You can also take some of the classes like orgo as a pass fail class.

^ PLME allows for a lot of flexibility. Getting in is the big challenge.

UIC GPPA also allows for any major. There are a few requirements, but, honestly speaking, as an ORM from a non-rural area, if you can’t get a 3.6 GPA from UIC and and 89th percentile on the MCAT, you’d have no realistic shot at med school anyway.

Yesterday, OP changed his ED2 app at UC to RD. He discussed it on his other thread.
Post #18

HKim, I’m glad you decided to keep your options open. I understand why you like UChicago, but you’ve given them more than enough chances to offer you a binding acceptance. I’m excited for you to see the whole range of opportunities you will have. If Chicago wants you, they can get in line and let you weigh the pros and cons. If not, so be it.

Well it feels a lot better now that I’ve actually changed it to RD so I guess that’s a good sign for now haha.

My always dad told me “When in doubt, do the thing that leaves you options.” I think you made a good decision, OP!

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Hmmm alright well I might be too late to the game but are there are scholarships I might be able to apply to?

Most are for CURRENT high school students (not gap year students like me) so it has been difficult to search for.

@HKimPOSSIBLE - are you referring to outside scholarships? The biggest payoff, of course, tends to be merit funding directly from the particular school that accepts you.

Also, don’t most scholarships apply to those who will be first-time-in-college? In that case, you would qualify, even with a gap year.

Call any college admissions or your old high school. I am sure they would be willing to help

Colleges are only getting more competitive each year… I would say you still have hope because the college acceptance system is very inconsistent… so you have luck on your side. Also, the fact that you got waitlisted at such good schools means you have a high chance into getting in the ivy leagues… or even getting off the waitlist

Don’t worry about it… you already submitted your applications and there’s nothing you can do about it now… just hope for the best. Good Luck

Hmm, so it has been nearly a week since I let UChicago know of my change of admission round to RD, but I haven’t received any notification, email, or change in my portal that seems to confirm or reflect this.

@HKimPOSSIBLE - how did you let them know? If by email, you should definitely keep that as a record. If you did by phone, I’d probably call back and confirm that they are aware of the change. Take a note of who you spoke with, and when. In full transparency, that is just how I would manage any important notification in my day to day life…it is possible another parent who has been through this has a much better idea! :slight_smile:

Thanks @chaphillmom!

I let them know through email.

Oddly enough, when I check their website, I see how you can change from RD or EA to ED, but not the other way around! Hopefully someone has a better suggestion than me to just save your email. Good luck!

^ Well, it’s getting close to decision date, but they haven’t announced anything yet. Hopefully will tomorrow or Tues. for a Friday release. But they likely wouldn’t be rendering a decision on someone who doesn’t want to be in that pool. If Hkim sent an e-mail last week, he’s likely to be ok. If they accidentally give him a decision, he can point to the e-mail.

Whoo! I was offered the Presidential Award from UIC which is $5000 a year (this is before financial aid)!

I’m so excited for you! Wonderful to have options!!!

Congratulations!! Free money for college is the best ?

Hmmm so I can’t find any answers to how GPPA will work with financial aid for if I matriculate to UI College of Medicine.

I know medical schools have financial aid, but surely it isn’t as generous as what many universities provide (i.e need based full ride/tuition).

Will I really be graduating with 250k of debt (before interest and on the low side)?