Reject Train Going Full Speed

HKim, nothing new to add past i am enjoying your story and thankful you have allowed us all to be passengers on your train that appears to be going somewhere great!

Haha! This truly is the most inaccurately named thread on CC! Your future is bright, and we’re glad to be cheering you from the sidelines!

Ah, well folks that’s a miss from Johns Hopkins and UChicago.

Did you RD UC? I saw results were out. hoping that even though it was a long shot, maybe good news

Ah yes, I did ED2 but withdrew to RD last minute after my interview with UIC GPPA.

It was a waitlist, but I have withdrawn regardless as going there is not in my best interest anymore.

Yay! I got into Bowdoin on a full ride - 4500 of work study, but it doesnt seem like it is needed as grants have covered everything. No loans. Was also given the Faculty Scholarship which is a $3000 one time stipend…perfect for med school applications.

Congrats! Another outstanding opportunity.

You are going to have a difficult choice to make!

Congrats… Another school you (we), can debate about. With all the craziness in the world you are one of the few bright spots. Can’t wait to hear your decision.

That’s outstanding.
So now you can choose between three elite colleges W&L (rural and conservative), Macalester (urban and liberal), and Bowdoin (Goldilocks…closer to a city than W&L but not urban like Macalester, more middle of the road politically…)
Plus a full ride at UIUC (and Gppa but it wouldn’t be as affordable as the rest).

Woooo! I got the Johnson!

OMG!!! Well done, you.

Persistence and perseverance pay off, big time!! So happy you hung in there, what a tremendous difference from last year!

Omg! You are having quite the day…congratulations. These acceptances and scholarships are well deserved!

Happy for you!! How wonderful to have multiple great, affordable options.

Congrats once again… Err… Remind me which program that is for @HKimPOSSIBLE

I can’t keep up. This is like the best day ?

Congrats. We are so happy in my house for you!!

As you know there have been a lot of people and one in particular from your cc family who have always believed in you in a big way and told you to persevere.

I wish this whole thread could be stickied. There are just so many lessons to be learned here.

Yay!!! Congrats to you!! Are there any more decisions you’re waiting for or is it decision time? We need this great news this week!

Congratulations on both today! Excellent news!!!

@AlmostThere2018 Thank you so much and to everyone as well. This is really so surprising and just a very different feeling to have so many affordable and wonderful options.

I still have 25 or so schools to hear back from…

@Knowsstuff Sorry, I missed your question! The Johnson isn’t a program, per se, but a merit scholarship that is renewable for 4 years, covering full room, board, tuition, personal expenses, and a $7000 fund I can access over the summer (for multiple summers) for internships, travel abroad programs, and maybe even medical school applications.

They’re so great, one of the directors at W&L sent a personal text message congratulating me which was super nice.