Reject Train Going Full Speed

Congrats again HKim!!! You have some amazing options at various great schools!

@HKimPOSSIBLE congratulations! My understanding is yes, it’s possible to switch ma jors at USC, and it’s easier if they are both within Dornsife. But I don’t know whether you need to do it once you are there after having taken some introductory class, etc. Ask on the USC thread, there are two posters who are parents who’ve had kids there for years and know a lot about it - CADREAMIN and WWWard - so tag them.

Seems you can change majors, but not until you are there:

Meaning, you can’t change now, before school starts:

Hopefully someone else will chime in who knows the details…seems like science to science major change would be common. @CADREAMIN ?

@MomofSaxPlayer Thank you so much! I couldn’t have done it without you and everyone that helped me along the way. So much support!

@CAtransplant @Mwfan1921 Ah I see got it and thank you for the links I’ll check them out. It also seems like they can be changed at Orientation (as you said, once I’m there) but luckily they’re within the same fields so overlapping classes.

Wohoo!!! Love to see the good news keep coming on this good news train!! :slight_smile: describes the process, but you need to look on department web sites and/or ask the departments directly to find out if they have any specific requirements or admission processes.

Wow…You are the light at the end of the tunnel…! This has made my day…Thank you!!

But I think you might have too many acceptances and might need to start giving some away to other students that might want some. …(:

@Knowsstuff Will do! I think I will be withdrawing from some of the schools that aren’t ones I’ve considered too much at the moment especially with aid (even just schools that have me pay loans).

Hi HKimPossible and Big Congrats! Been following your thread silently cheering you on since the beginning. Writing now as K-A mom of twins in their first year at USC to let you know that my son changed his Dornsife major from History to International Relations because he needed “D-clearance” to enroll in intro required courses for IR. The major change occurred at orientation we attended in June, so it is possible even before the semester starts, esp. if you need to enroll in required intro courses for your new major. You can check out the USC Fall 2020 schedule of courses here.

Also have thoughts on W & L, that I can post later from my own personal albeit brief experience.

Phew! No acceptances from the Ivies, Duke, and Tufts, but USC is here to love me and I for sure do love LA!

I really wish this thread can be a sticky @MaineLonghorn. Et. AL.

So many ups and downs and so much hope for those that need it. Didn’t get Ives but got USC. Didn’t have a green card and got shut out. Got the piece of paper and amazing acceptances the following year. Very inspirational thread and so many lessons for students and parents alike… And it’s not April yet… Lol?

We have Stanford and Rice coming out soon ?

Hi all! I love this thread. I got rejected from Northwestern, Union, Northeastern, Columbia, and Duke. I got waitlisted from Carnegie Mellon. But I got into Lehigh! I’m waiting on my top school which is Rice, I am extremely nervous and discouraged. I really want to get in but given where I have been denied from I think my chances are low.

Congrats HKim! Too many good choices! In all honesty though, if the money is right, I think you should go with Bowdoin or WL.

I know you love CA, but please don’t base a decision on USC’s location. I’m from SoCal snd my kid attends college near Bowdoin. I love the location of Bowdoin, and if you need a bit of city life, Portland is really cool and close by. Boston is only 2 hours away. USC is hot, in a pretty bad area, and if you have no car, it’s very difficult to really enjoy So Cal. The dorms are unbearable when it’s hot. So Cal is expensive. But mostly, I do not think the quality of academics at USC is going to be as good as the two above. The small class experience and professor interaction you will get at the LACs right from the start is simply not possible at a bigger University. Btw, my parents both went to USC, and I visited last summer with my son, who had a transfer option to USC.

Anyway, you have some culling to do, and that’s the fun part. Can’t wait to see how you narrow down choices.

Anything new about when Rice is announcing?



@COgirl123 Congrats on Lehigh. That is a dream school for so many and not even a dream possibility for most!

You were rejected by a Union seems off. Was it the special MD program?

@COgirl123 - my son is in a similar position! Rejected from Vandy, Duke, Cornell and Yale. Waitlisted at Carnegie Mellon. ACCEPTED at Bucknell, Wake Forest, and Clemson. Also waiting on Rice…