Reject Train Going Full Speed

@HKimPOSSIBLE: If interested, I will be happy to review an essay or two if you PM it or them to me.

The latter adds to the diversity of the campus…

Or NAFTA countries…?

However, fantastic teachers who like you and your academic performance may not necessarily be the best at writing recommendations that college admission readers like.

OP is at a highly rated public high school where nearly the entire class of 900+ goes to college, including many highly selective institutions----teachers are facile and experienced at writing LORs. The GC rec letters are perceived by many colleges to represent the best demonstrated practice of this application component. OTOH, OP’s GC hasn’t necessarily been on the ball when advising OP on his college search, selection and application process.

Sending continued good vibes to OP over the next week or so as the rest of the decisions roll in.

Young friend, you’re impressive. I know this is hard advice to take, but there’s only about a week til Ivy Day. Be prepared to find the right Plan B (or even C,) but continue to believe you did the best job with your apps (and decisions, along the way,) as you could.

I wouldn’t 2nd guess essays, at this point. I think I’d say, just don’t go there. Not yet. You have the ability to be quite rational and tuning, if needed, can come after next week. (I did see a lot of the writing via PM and it’s fine. OP is very quick to absorb and process advice and where that may be needed is after next week.)

I also think the wealthier and more prominent colleges are in a better position to deal with your DACA/immigration status. There is still hope. And, Wait List is not a loss, not a rejection.

See how many of us are behind you? You deserve that support. Keep your chin up. You’re going to go far in life and this is just a bump in the road.

OP–IIRC you have been accepted to UIC and UIUC, which I know do not meet full need and are out of reach financially. But, can you let us know what the net costs are for each? Did either school give you any grants or scholarships at all?

Also, you might ask your GC to communicate with MIT and CWRU to express your keen interest in getting off the waitlist, and personally give them the update wrt the granting of your dad’s green card and your pending application process.

Wow! Thank you for everyone’s kind words of inspiration. I was busy making Korean food for our schools International Club fundraiser sale.

@Mwfan1921 The estimate costs for UIC and UIUC are $20,000 (no dorm, would have to commute) and $32,000 (with dorm) respectively. Neither school has given me ANY grants nor scholarships. My brother also went to UIC before going to MAVNI and he didn’t get any scholarships either; thankfully, we he comes home next year to return to school, his GI Bill will help a LOT!

I have written a LOCI to CWRU and MIT and for Case they have “noted” my file. My counselor also said he would write something too. I don’t blame him for anything (re: QB, knowledge, etc) because I’m most likely the one or very few at my school in my situation; he would not have much experience.

I’m hoping for the best and I’m so grateful for all the encouragement on CC. I’m also trying to remain as optimistic as possible, but the spirit’s just not there after these past rejections and waitlists. Everyone else around me seems all “set” and just makes my anxiety go through the roof thinking what if nothing comes through or what if the current administration changes something that might bar me from my obtaining the status I want.

I have a lot more decisions coming through right now and honestly you guys are all right; there’s nothing to do except wait and wait and wait.

OP, I just wanted to let you know there are many of us following this thread and rooting for you!

Wish there were as many AO’s rooting for me as there are you guys :tongue:

@HKimPOSSIBLE Hello. I read your thread and got feeling as we are relatives. My son is in absolutely same situation. Just to be admitted have zero value for him. I can’t pay sticker price for US university, so he must get essential discount some way. Generally his conditions harder than yours, he is international and can’t wait for any help from anywhere exept merit or fin aid direct from university.
As I got you waitlisted by CWRU and wish to be admitted. The case is my son admitted to CWRU and that is absolutely useless for him. They just offered full price and no way that I can pay 260000$ for undergraduate degree.
I know very little about US life and not confident that it is possible, but if some guru can show a way I will be happy to transfer my son’s offer to you. Just curious what hopes you have with CWRU? It is expensive and as I see not very generous.
In any case good luck!

@Alezzz Thank you for the reply.

Did you son apply completely for all the financial aid documents for Case Western? As of 2017, they now are a 100% demonstrated meet need school so theree should not be any reason you should be paying almost $65,000 per year!

As a reminder, admissions cannot be transferred, and dont forget, they admitted YOUR SON not Me! So fight and call to get your son that much needed financial aid! Good luck to you and your son!

CWRU does not meet need for international students.

Oh…what? Yikes that may not apply to me either then…

@HKimPOSSIBLE “CWRU does not meet need for international students”
Thats it. As I told his conditions are harder than yours.

Train still hasn’t found a station yet. Running right through with a Northwestern rejection…

For Undergraduates
At Case Western Reserve University, we provide a variety of merit- and need-based aid to our students, including international students, through scholarships, grants, loans, work-study and more. We also are part of The Tuition Exchange, a consortium that provides tuition assistance to dependents of participating schools.

As of fall 2017, we now meet 100 percent of demonstrated need for all admitted undergraduate students.

Oh yeah no nvm. I just double checked. They meet 100% for all admitted students as of 2017, not just US Citizens, but seeing tbat theres a sub category for internationals, I’m not sure; its confusing.

The Northwestern rejection hit me quite a bit
…considering how much research I’ve done there and how some research that got me published was done with Northwestern…ugh

Seriously ASK YOUR GC for any “red flag” in a recommendation. Sure the teachers at NT are all excellent and write tons of letters and like you and all. But sometimes something slips in. Sometimes a new teacher makes a mistake. Sometimes it’s a case of a stupid mistake due to lack of sleep or an annoying screaming baby in the background…, they write the wrong name or whatever. Is it common? No it isn’t. Does it happen? Well… yes.
Other than that, how does your GC analyze this? I’m sure s/he thought you’d get into NU ED, or RD then, and would have a couple acceptances to choose from. They must be flabbergasted or do they have a hint as to what happened? Can they make a couple phone calls? (NT GCs CAN make phone calls but they have to be strategic in who they advocate for. Time for you to activate this possibility. Think of a way to word this. Do you have a 100% favorite university left on your list that you’d go to in a hearbeat if affordable?)
So, ask for an emergency meeting with your GC. Skip a class to go if necessary. Make that a priority.

I agree that Northwestern’s decision is strange considering they know you and are linked to your achievements. I do know that sometimes they want internationals to have a minimum of 25K to contribute but they’re supposed to treat you as DACA not as international.

We found CWRU to be less straightforward than most other schools I visited with daughter 3-4 years ago. May be different now, but when asked about superscoring, the admissions guy said, "we don’t do that. " then he kind of winked and said “but really we do.” I was done at that moment.

Seriously, at this point there are few unknowns with any of the three Alabamas, Tuscaloosa, Birmingham, or Huntsville. I bet your total annual out of pocket would be between 6 and 11k at Huntsville. Including books, coffee, soap, and a couple trips back up I-65 per year.

Ambiguous promises to meet full need without clearly defining what that means is mostly useless to you. If they can’t be bothered to define it, you shouldn’t bet more on it than you’re willing to lose - the stakes for you are too high.