Rejected and Waitlisted to every UC applied

I was waitlisted to UCSD and UCSB… Rejected to UCLA (my dream school). They all broke my heart but UCLA really destroyed my hope yesterday. I applied to UC Berkeley but I’m sure I won’t get in now. I don’t have any backups other than community colleges. I’m part of the top 9% RIS thing but I’m not sure how that works. Do I contact the UC department or do they contact me after seeing that I didn’t get into any of my applied UCs?

Did you apply to *any/i safeties?

Sorry to hear that. You haven’t heard anything from UCB and you are throwing your hope away. UCLA had a high pool of freshmen applicants this year over 92,000 so you weren’t the only one. also, you should have applied to safety schools.

  1. Meet with your guidance counselor and see if she/he can contact your wait list schools and make a pitch for you. 2. write a letter of continued interest to your wait list schools...if there is one in particular you are interested on, make it clear that if accepted, you'll attend. 3. If you've got great grades or anything else awesome to relate since you made your application, put that in your letter of continued interest.

Sorry kiddo. That has got to sting. The UC’s wait-listed a lot of kids they would normally have accepted this year due to uncertain funding issues. Hopefully, the budget issues are settled soon and they are able to increase their class size.

If you are indeed in the top 9% and completed all your A-G requirements, you may be offered a place on an open campus without doing anything extra (most likely UC Merced.) I would absolutely go talk to your guidance counselor at high school about it though.

Community college is a good safety option for which you are fortunate that CA has one of the best systems in the country. You could also take a gap year… work, apply to some CSU schools in the fall. If you have the finances, I suppose you could look at some rolling admission schools but most of those are out-of-state so you’re talking quite a jump in college price tag and there will be little to no financial aid at this point in time.

Take heart, it’ll work out one way or another.

For a CA kid, a safety may not be required because going from CC to a UC is a viable path.

Still this certainly was a possibility with your application strategy.

I didn’t apply to any instate safeties… I really thought I would at least get into one of the 4. I was always “the smart one” and I guess I let that overestimate myself…

For ELC eligible applicants, if you are rejected from all your UC’s of choice, you will be offerred admision to UCM. Many applicants overestimated their chances this year with the UC’s and unfortunately the competition increases each year. Every applicant should have a safety on their list and one that they are willing to attend. A few high ranking Cal States may have been preferable to a CC. Place yourself on the waitlists and hope for the best. With the budget issues this year, the UC’s maybe taking more applicants from the waitlist once it budget issue is resolved. Here are the wait list numbers from last year: http://■■■■■■■■■■■■/home/fall-2014-last-year-frosh-waitlist-appeal-cancellation-numbers/

Good Luck.

I’ve heard that UCs prioritize cc over other colleges that’s why. Is that true? Plus, they’re much cheaper.
I’m planning on appealing but the estimated success is so low.

Yes, if you attend a CC you could get priority admission to a UC if you TAG for all UC’s except UCLA/UCB and UCSD. UCLA has something called TAP which would also give you an advantage. If you feel a CC is a better route to your dream then you should pursue it.