Rejected at Engineering with 36 ACT and 800 Math 2.

I also have 4.2 W GPA and took 9 APs as well as 3 post-AP courses in community college. VT was a safety so I’m shocked to say the least. Anyone have an explanation as to what happened here?

Male or female? Any extracurricular? Any Leadership? UW GPA?

Male, leadership positions at 3 school clubs including Student Gov Association. Played Varsity sport for 3 years. School doesn’t calculated UW.

What sort of interest did you show?

@Fangosa1 didn’t show interest. given VT is such a big state school I didn’t realize that was important. I did write 2 solid essays though.

What about teacher recommendations. Do you think they wrote you solid ones?

What other schools did you apply to, and did you get rejected at those as well?

@HonorStudent0 VT doesn’t take teacher recs lol. Aren’t you an applicant?

@infinigirly deferred at Cornell from ED. That’s all I’ve heard back so far.

I actually sent one in and my teacher let me read it and I have to say it was amazing.

@HonorStudent0 congrats on the solid rec. but vt stated online that they don’t require or expect recs.

It doesn’t make sense to me based on the brief stats you provided that you would not be admitted, which is why I asked if you showed any interest. Their common data sheet says that they “consider” interest, so perhaps with your high stats they assumed that they were your safety. Just a thought.

your test scores are solid. It’s probably your extracurricular activities. I think they may have wanted a bit more?

^^Yeah, you can actually send in one teacher recommendation to Tech, as long as it’s with your transcript when you send it.

As for your rejection, there must be some other reason why were rejected other than your scores and stats. Maybe you wrote something that they didn’t like in your essays, maybe something on your record, took the wrong classes, etc. But don’t be bummed! This was only your safety, and you’ll probably go to a school more suited for you :slight_smile:

From what I see VT missed out.

Please remember, we are just guessing at reasons and only admissions might be able to provide you accurate feedback so give them a call. However, to try and help answer your question:

  • What classes make up your GPA? Even though your school does not provide UW GPA, you should be able to provide the weight they add to any honors or AP classes. What was that weight?
  • What classes did you take a the CC and what grades did you receive?
  • Did you take the SAT? (VT does not take subject test scores I believe so the Math 800 would have been irrelevant for them) VT is not a big ACT score school in that if you look at # applicants, few send in ACT only vs SAT or both.
  • Are you coming from NOVA?

In the end, ALL admission decisions are a 50/50 chance and there is no such thing as a safety school anymore. Keep in mind, universities need to find a nice mix of students. A campus full of “perfect” would provide no diversity and most everyone applying is more than qualified to attend, so very qualified students are declined every year due to space limitations. I know it is disappointing and hard to accept, but it is time to move on and look at the choices ahead of you. You obviously are intelligent and therefore will succeed wherever you end up. Best of luck.

Isn’t VT one of the U’s that will tell you why you were rejected if you ask? My son inquired when he was rejected for CoE but accepted for 2nd choice and they gave him the info. Worth a try, in case some info they used was in error - that would potentially be the basis for a legit appeal. But do that ASAP if you want to go that route

@bboop42 I’ve only ever taken honors and APs, no regular courses. 0.5 weight to honors, 1.0 weight to APs. Got B+, A-, and A. They were all computing courses. I did take the SAT, got a 2240 but I did not send. Yes I’m from NOVA.

@JustGraduate That’s good to hear. Did your son get an explanation back?

Yes, he had 2 errors on his 1st semester grade report (2 C’s that really were an A and B). 2 C’s kept him out of CoE even though he was fine with grades and test scores. Clearly he was on the bubble and that pushed him over to reject. This is considered new info and he was able to appeal.

Poking around, I don’t see anything about finding out why you were rejected. Maybe they don’t do that anymore or don’t publicize it. Personally I’d be in your Guidance Counselor’s office first thing tomorrow and get their take on it. Maybe they can get the reason more easily than you?