Rejected at Engineering with 36 ACT and 800 Math 2.

For engineering, they look particularly at the Math and Science classes and UW GPA. I can only imagine that when looking at a class to class comparison with other applicants from NOVA something lead them to their decision. It could have been additional classes they had taken in a particular area they were looking for as an example. Also, remember they look at the classes, grading scale and grade, not really a GPA given many schools do not weight honors nor AP classes at a +1pt. (ie: for AP classes an A would get 5 points, a B+ gets 4.3 pts, an honors A would get 4.5 pts) So, they have to adjust and level the playing field to get an apples to apples comparison. As @JustGraduate recommended, call and ask the question. It can’t hurt and they are the only ones who can really provide the information you are wanting. Best of luck in your future decisions.

And back to my point about talking to your GC, I would think the HS would want info about why a student of your caliber from their school didn’t get in. Caveat - if you’re from TJ, I think that’s a whole other situation and I wouldn’t begin to understand how they decide just which TJ students - and how many - they take.

@bboop42 You make an excellent point about admissions chances. That’s why it’s good to apply to several or more colleges rather than simply roll the dice on one. S was denied admission to VT engineering and got in university studies. However, he’s “all in” on engineering, so he will go elsewhere.

Just to use one metric – US News & World Report rankings on engineering schools (2017) – S was accepted OOS to Texas A&M (#11) and University of Florida (#40) while not accepted to NC State (#25) and VA Tech (#27). I’m glad he applied to all of those engineering schools and not just one or two. The irony is he’ll be going to UCF engineering (#75) which is likely the most suitable for him, given his preferences and personality, and the attractive financial package. So I wouldn’t put too much stock in being accepted or denied at any particular institution – as you said, there are tons of qualified applicants out there.

To those who were accepted and who decide to enroll at Virginia Tech, you will LOVE VT – it’s one of the best places for engineering and the students I know all love it there. Employers highly value VT graduates as well.

Sounds like a clerical error somewhere. This needs to be tracked down. Have you seen your own transcript?

@VABogart congratulations to your son. Based on your previous posts, your son will love and thrive at UCF and you have done a great job working him through this insane process. My son graduated from VT in ME back in 2015 and works for the government. He actually is not really a fan of the program BTW. Many of his peers at work are from the mid west and had not heard of VT or even realized it was a good engineering school. Crazy right? Guess my point is that sometimes the weight we put on the rankings may be overstated. Factoring in the overall cost of the degree, what is a good fit for the child, etc. might be more important.