rejected from almost all my what?

<p>hey guys. i kind of need help with my life. so i applied to 18 schools and i have heard from most of them and i was rejected to most. my sat score was 2010 and my gpa was pretty low 3.3uw 3.7 w. i applied to mostly reach schools so its not too big of a surprise that i was rejected from so many but i had other things going for me. i am a published poet and have other really good ec's. </p>

<p>i got into rutgers-nb
and dickinson college
i have yet to hear from cornell dartmouth upenn emory tufts trinity-ct and bucknell.
i'm guessing that i will be rejected from them all bc i was rejected from colgate lehigh nyu and gwu.</p>

<p>my question you guys think i may get into one of the schools that are left to hear from? and if i don't which school is better rutgers-nb or dickinson?
i would want to study math and maybe international relations.</p>

<p>You should think seriously about Dickinson. Very strong on study abroad and global issues. If you haven't been there the library is gorgeous and the student union is very nice. And they just built a new science building...</p>

<p>webcam</a> 1</p>

<p>webcam</a> 2</p>

<p>Freaky ... I had similar stats when I applied to colleges three years ago. 3.4 UW, 3.8 W, 2190 SAT, but no ECs. Applied to two schools: accepted at Rutgers, rejected at Cornell.</p>

<p>As to where you should go, it really depends on whether you prefer a big, diverse school like Rutgers or a small school like Dickinson. The Rutgers name is more recognizable.</p>

<p>dickinson is a fantastic school and you should be proud for your acceptance. obviously the enviorment there will be different from rutgers, and it will all come down to personal preference. but based on the other schools on your list, i'd go to dickinson!</p>

<p>I'm sort of wondering why you applied to 18 schools.</p>

<p>I'm sort of wondering how you counted 18 schools.</p>

<p>thats so stupid applying to 18 schools.</p>

<p>I would personally wait until all decisions have come in before starting to decide which schools to go to. Just a few more days so have patience and good luck!</p>

thats so stupid applying to 18 schools.


take that back XP</p>

<p>its not stupid if a person has no idea where they want to go and what they me. i was hoping to be accepted at a few more though. </p>

<p>i feel like rutgers will give me a better job when i graduate, and it is more known and maybe the education there is better? i just feel like no one knows about dickinson its one of those unknown schools and im scared that i won't be able to get a good job when i graduate from there.</p>

<p>Well it seems like you've already made your decision.</p>

<p>I'd also like to add that you really shouldn't be complaining about being rejected from schools when you KNOW you applied to mostly reaches and you actually have gotten into a few. Some people are in worse positions than you are.</p>

<p>Anyway, good luck with what you choose to do!</p>

<p>It's not stupid to apply to a ton of schools if you have a red flag in your application that COULD be taken for grounds for rejection by some schools while others might not care [Ex. Terrible freshman grades which some schools don't care about while others do, Terrible class rank, all assuming all other factors are high]. So thus, it would be reasonable to apply to say 10-15 schools if you have such a unknown dangerous factor in your application's perception</p>

<p>And yes, the point of reaches is that you know you probally will be rejected from 75%+ of them.</p>

<p>ok so what if my new question were to be, which school will get be into a better grad school if i get the same gpa?</p>

<p>rutgers or bucknell or trinity college in ct?</p>

<p>and which school is the best academically? what about reputation wise?</p>

<p>Why apply to 18 colleges? You can only go to one. Far better to have spent your time making focused applications to one or 2 reach, several match and 2 safeties.</p>

<p>"It's not stupid to apply to a ton of schools if you have a red flag in your application that COULD be taken for grounds for rejection by some schools while others might not care "</p>

<p>Such a red flag would hurt your apps at virtually any school, which means one should be more conservative about figuring out which schools are reach, match and safeties. Just applying to loads of colleges may not give you any better choices than applying conservatively and spending your time honing your app. One can't submit outstanding, personalized apps to 18 colleges. No one has that kind of time.</p>

<p>As for which will get you into the better grad school, who knows? Grad school depends on more than gpa. </p>

<p>Select the college that you like the best, and then achieve at the level you're capable of, then apply to grad school.</p>

<p>Of those 3 schools, have you visited all of them?</p>

<p>What do you like most/least about each of them?</p>

<p>Do some research on each one and put them side-by-side in a spreadsheet or on paper so that you can compare apples & apples. Relax, you have a month to figure it out. Best of luck!</p>

<p>I would choose Bucknell. It has the undergrad focus and tightknit feel of a top LAC, and a solid placement rate into grad school.</p>