Rejected from Brown, Harvard, Tufts

<p>Hey. My friend is a rising senior, and wanted to know his chances at Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Tufts, and Villanova and the UC's</p>

<p>1340 (old Sat I)
610- Chem
730- Math IIC
680- Lit.
590- Math IC
3.74 GPA (Out of 4)
Told me he's 32/342 </p>

<p>He does school newspaper and such, but nothing spectacular (sry!!!)</p>

<p>Does he have any chance of getting in?</p>

<p>Is he from California?</p>

<p>Harvard, Yale, Princeton: SUPER SUPER SUPER REACH (unless he has a some trump card up his sleeve)</p>

<p>UCs: Depending on his UC GPA (a-g approved 10~11 classes + comm. college courses), UCB, UCLA: reach. don't know much about the rest, but he seems good for mid-tier UCs. Sorry if I sounded too harsh, but compared to other competitive applicants, his test scores/gpa seem a little too low. If he can raise his GPA and test scores, than he may have a decent shot at Berkeley or UCLA.</p>