Rejected from UCSB Waitlisted UCB

Hey guys! thought Id share my thoughts on UC admission and how crazy my experience has been! Let me start off by saying I am a transfer student, currently finishing up my last semester at Cabrillo college in santa cruz, my gpa is 3.59 and in high school my gpa was a 2.6 or something along those lines. SO, im not the greatest student, more of a surf bum than anything else. So as you could guess im a reject at UCSB n UCLA. BUT i was accepted into UCSC, UCSD, and waitlisted at BERKELEY?? Has Anyone been denied from UCSB and admitted to UCB? Seems ridiculous to think the number one public college in the nation would give me a maybe but Santa Barbra would double pump the breaks and hit the hazards? Anyone have any tips on getting off this waitlist? Who else has had a weird experience this year for UC acceptances? It seems that the UC application process for Berkeley might be less quantitative than past years, and more qualitative as the admission board aims to experiment with student outcomes based upon different admission review strategy.

***UCB (in title)

***UCB (in title)

turns out i messed upon the application and said i took econ 1a twice instead of econ 1a&b ucsb was the only school that didn’t catch my mistake upon later review theyd accept me but ive decided to go with UCSD unless i get off th waitlist for UCB

Congrats! UCSD is a great school