<p>i was rejected but I REALLY want to know why ...
ie: low test scores
ie: bad recs.</p>
<p>...... or what?
is it rude/ bad for me to call my admin cons. and ask?
i mean this is kind of a sensitive topic?
should i be straightforward and call them and ask?
or should i ask a parent?
or teacher or my guidance cons. to do it on be half?</p>
<p>and how would u ask .. to not put them in an awkward position?</p>
<p>i'd just really like to know why they didnt see me as a good candidate..</p>
parents, please also let me know what you think
:) thanks</p>
<p>Well, I think this is a very interesting topic. It wouldn’t hurt just to call them and ask if you can know what they thought of your application. I think it would be better if you did it yourself, because if your parents did it, it might seem like they were being annoying. Guidance counselor…also a possibility.</p>
<p>If your afraid it’s going to be awkward…who cares, you already got rejected, right? They can’t reject you twice of doubly reject you or anything, so the worst has already happened. So I’d say, just call them up and ask politely. If they say no, no big deal, if they say yes, you win!</p>
<p>However, I also agree with aerielblue, you probably should just forget about it and move on to waiting for your acceptance letters to other colleges. If you REALLY want to call them though, just do it, even if it’s irrational.</p>
<p>i third aerielblue. i mean, it’s time to time bite the bullet, hope you get into a college that you like even better than darty, do well there, find the cure for cancer, and then in your memoir be like:</p>
<p>“dean laskaris, you should have accepted me. i cured cancer.”</p>
<p>They reject 4.0/2400’s, there just isn’t room for all the qualified candidates. The more natural question would be for those who got in to ask why.</p>
<p>Haha, hmom5 is actually right. For basically any Ivy League undergraduate program (except Cornell state colleges), getting in is a highly unlikely event.</p>
<p>Then you get there, meet everyone, and wonder why.</p>
<p>If it were a question of finding out whether there was a problem or weakness in your early application that you could correct in your RD applications, then I would say ask your GC to call. </p>
<p>At this point it doesn’t seem constructive. </p>
<p>I really, really sympathize with your feelings, though.</p>
<p>I heard a ‘saying’ - “Do not look for a reason NOT TO BE rejected, find a reason to be accepted”. I guess they look for something special, to create a very diverse class.</p>
<p>write a letter explaining why you think you deserve a place in Darty… send it to the Dean of Admission, not the admission office… I think you will get a decent reply</p>
<p>The decision of the tribal counsel is final.</p>
<p>I would just move on. I agree with consolation, that if you really need to know if there were any deficiencies in your app (kinda late to change the RD apps), then let your GC make the call.</p>