Rejected last Spring 2009. Should I apply again for Fall 09 or wait for Spring 2010?

<p>I heard somewhere that it was recommended that one should wait a semester to reapply, but I was wondering if there were still instances in which one was rejected the previous semester and accepted the next?</p>

<p>Thanks for your time.</p>

<p>I also retook the SATs and feel I can bring forth a significantly better application this time around in terms of essay, recommendations and mid semester grades and comments. (For additional consideration)</p>

<p>what school are you applying to?</p>

<p>most schools do not allow you to apply for conecutive semesters. if your application wasn’t strong enough to get in last time, very hard to imagine that it would be strong enough to get in the next semester.</p>


<p>Anyone else want to provide input?</p>