REJECTED last year; ACCEPTED this year

<p>This is My Story,</p>

<p>Last year at around the same time of this year, I received a letter of what was at the time my “dream college,” UCI. The letter was a rejection letter for the Fall 2008 Year, as many others, I felt like a downright failure of not getting in. I tried appealing and didn’t make it through that pathway; at the end of my senior year I faced a few options: Get a Job or Go to community college paying everything on your own.
I fell into a deep depression, UCI was my top school throughout high school and I had been downright rejected, Was I not good enough? Did I not try hard enough? The failure lured with me for a very long time</p>

<p>Fortunately I got an invitation to do a one-year medical community service at my home country of Mexico, that saved me from a lot of possible issues.
Last October, I decided to apply again for schools, many told me not to. I didn’t listen and I applied to not only UCI but also UCLA, UC Berkeley and UCR.
A few weeks ago I got accepted to UCR and today… I got Accepted to UCI.</p>

<p>Wow, I felt a huge amount of excitement and happiness. I screamed “Finally! I got in!”
the feeling as overwhelming.</p>

<p>However, UCI is not my top school anymore (UCLA has replaced that) yet I am proud of being accepted and I am considering UCI.</p>

<p>What changed this year?
I’m not quite sure, perhaps the best way I can say it’s I’ve Matured.
Unlike last year I took my time to write outstanding personal statements (which I think ultimately got me in) and I think the time I spent volunteering in Medicine helped me shine to the Admissions Committee.
Unlike last year, I turned all my documentation on time and applied for a Fee Waiver.
And unlike last year, I ultimately was able to use my hardships to my advantage</p>

<p>This is a message to those rejected. There is Hope, there is always a way you can work to get to where u want to go.</p>

<p>Look at me, I got rejected last year and this year, ACCEPTED.</p>

<p>Don’t give up guys who got rejected, you’re not alone!</p>

<p>Any similar stories?</p>

<p>Wow! Congrats! I'm really glad you got in....hope you get into UCLA too though!</p>

<p>grats, dude. That was a pretty inspirational story. You have grown into a mature adult from your old slacker high school self.</p>

<p>Congrats, thats awesome! Anyone with your kind of determination deserves to get in.</p>


<p>Yeah, I was a fool to not give the high consideration to the Personal Statement (I literally wrote about how I want to be a doctor, in the most cliche way)</p>

<p>Congrats, very inspirational!</p>

<p>Congratulation. Thanks for sharing your story.</p>

<p>Yea man. Great Job. Hope things will go well!!</p>

<p>Great job man! your story is a breath of fresh air</p>

<p>:-D !! Congrats you!!</p>

<p>But how did you manage to apply twice (confused)…</p>