rejected RD by harvard......

ahh i failed to complete my Financial Aid App…coz of the 2004 requirements…and Unlike my friend who did the exact same thing did not recieve an email titled- “Chris Plumb” asking for all the forms!
ohhh man…i never wanted to find out i was rejected this way from my dream school!

<p>don't contradict yourself!
if it's your dream school, why not EA it? it's clearly a lie!</p>

<p>fine.....i wanted to make it sound dramatic.....u know emphasize how heartbreakin the "news" is to me!

<p>Wait, what didn't you send in? And how do you know already that you're not in?</p>

<p>i didnt send in my parents 2004 tax returns either and I didnt get any email</p>

<p>they only contact ppl who got in for FA info....! and i didnt send mine in an they didnt contact me</p>

<p>btboxpunk - are you sure about that?....</p>

<p>positive, definitely for me(hopefully not), because i did not even send in my 2003 Forms...</p>

<p>btbox - so if i got an email telling me im missing a whole list of crap... its good?</p>

<p>I think its good</p>

<p>Should the "applicant status" website list what we have in and show if we need anything?</p>

<p>livedeeply - i dunno.. i think they send emails if you are missing stuff for FA.</p>

<p>My cousin was asked for some missing financial aid forms from colombia 2 days before they rejected him so im not sure if that theory about financial aid and acceptance is true, well at least i hope not!!!</p>

<p>I dont think it is...the financial aid office and the admissions office do not work together</p>

<p>you don't get rejected by the FA office. Besides harvard is "need-blind" meaning their officers make admission decisions without even considering your financial stance. Plus, they won't care if they accept you and you don't get aid. They get a full boat from you that way.</p>

<p>glassjawer - that wasnt the op's point actually.. the op was just lamenting on the fact that he didnt get an email from some dude named "Plumb" asking for incomplete FA stuff. and according to someone who called Harvard FA today, its good news if u got the email from Plumb...</p>

<p>yale emailed my friend telling him they lost his application..i take it that's a good sign too? (hahahaha)</p>
