<p>My dtr is in your boat…been a Bruin all her life, gone to Bruin Woods since 3 years old, dad is a graduate, season basketball tix for 20 years, and she was not admitted today. The tears are flowing. She’s in at UCSD and Davis, and some others on the east coast. But she wanted UCLA. I feel for all of those who did not get in. </p>
<p>For large publics usually stats are the determinant factor so if you were rejected then it is unlikely an appeal would change the situation. I would simply advise you to look for other schools, lucky for you California has several good colleges that you can attend, schools like UC-Irvine or UC-Davis or UCSD might be more achievable. And don’t worry your education will not be lacking because you did not go to UCLA.</p>
<p>thank you for all the kind words!!! they are very comforting in this time of miserableness. i say this sincerelyyy and jnrsmom awww from what it sounds like she must have wanted ucla more than me! i hope she feels better</p>
<p>i wonder if this will give me insight on my application to berkeley?! another rejection i cannot handle…</p>
<p>so you guys don’t think me appealing will do anything for me?</p>
<p>I disagree, appeal because if that is honestly her first choice, she should do whatever she can do try and be accepted. An appeal doesn’t hurt and you paid their admissions office money for them to read her application thoroughly, and if you don’t think they did a good job, or maybe they missed something, appeal.</p>
<p>No I disagree noob, with large state universities an appeal is not likely to garner a change in decision and will probably only give the OP false hope. OP I suggest you just forget about UCLA, there are A TON of really good colleges to choose from and I am sure you can get into one of them.</p>
<p>OP, you CAN appeal although your chances are close to nill. very rarely do people get in through appeals. the question is, if ucla denies you a 2nd time, can you bear the rejection?</p>
<p>Why not appealing? This is your last chance to get into your dream school. Do everything you want to/can do to get the hell in there…or wait another year and apply again which is not what I would suggest.</p>
<p>Can you bear another UCLA rejection? Well I think that is not the question. Can you bear living with that feeling that you have not done everything you could?</p>
<p>I agree - forget the appeal. If you’re deadset on UCLA, maybe you can transfer in next year. </p>
<p>On the other hand, a year from now you may find that you really like the school you choose to attend and cannot imagine going anywhere else. That’s the case with so many students.</p>
<p>Appeals are generally approved when there was something that was either misreported or ommited from the application that could alter the admissions decision. If you simply ask the admissions office to take a second look at the application, I doubt that they would decide to reverse their original decision.</p>
<p>LOL: sort of a misapplication there Hunt. I understand that people should move on but that particular teaching speaks more specifically about acting righteously and preaching that is unwanted.</p>
<p>I know, but “shaking the dust off your feet” is pretty good advice to anybody who needs to move on from a situation that just isn’t working out.</p>
<p>i didn’t get in and i sat and cried for about an hour but im not going to appeal bcs in my mind if it was meant to happen it would have, and if not then something else will be better for me. i know its hard, im really upset too, but w.e…other schools want us! its their loss anyways</p>