
<p>i didnt get into princeton, i also didnt get into brown (7 year medical program)
but i got into northwestern, un. of chicago, and other schools. Ill keep u psted</p>

Asian Male Living in New York.
Middle Class Family.
VERY rigorous high school. </p>

<p>Test Scores
SAT: 2340
SAT 2 Biology: 800
SAT 2 Chemistry: 800
SAT 2 Math IC: 800
SAT 2 Math IIC: 800
SAT 2 Writing: 800
SAT 2 Latin: 800
SAT 2 World or US History: 800
* Yeah I know, no lie. I worked pretty hard</p>

Grade: 3.85 GPA UW </p>

All Honor Courses
AP World
AP Art
Calculus AB
As well as other rigorous classes </p>

Our school has no individual rank, but top 10% </p>

<p>AP Scores
AP Art History : 5
AP World History: 5
AP Biology : 5
AP Latin : 5
AP Calculus : 5 </p>

National Merit Scholar for the PSAT, semi-finalist
Intel semi Finalist (good hook)
Won several writing awards </p>

<p>Extra Curricular: </p>

<p>• Science Olympiad Awards, Treasurer
• Won several science Olympiad awards- in the regional, state level
• FBLA, Treasurer
• Debating Team
• Captain of Latin Cretaumen Team
• Katrina Club- spend two weeks at New Orleans
• Swimming everyday-
• National Junior Honor Society
• Global Language Honor Society
• Latin National Junior Honor Society
• Volunteer at hospital- in the ER, Radiology
• Won several writing awards.</p>

<p>Wow, you got shafted by the system ... I hope you applied to a lot of schools. Lots of the smart kids at my school only apply to about five schools and just get unlucky. It's better to really shop around so your achievements have a greater chance of being appreciated somewhere.</p>

<p>Yeah, I'm looking back over your stats again, and ... how did I deserve to get in over you???? Unbelievable ... good luck with whatever you decide to do with your life.</p>

<p>beenpro: Holy smokes. Not feeling so bad for D who was waitlisted here, rejected from HY. If they didn't take you, who the heck were they looking for? Hope you know it's not about you, pal, and you'll be fine wherever you end up.</p>

<p>thanks....... but im happy about my stats...... and about northwestern and university of chicago........ i also got into u penn and dartmouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 HOORAY</p>

<p>Aww, I sympathize. But with same SAT, lower SAT2s, and more APs. And being an Asian female, not male. And in TX, not NY.</p>

<p><em>pssssstt</em> Go to Dartmouth! Boooo Pennnn.</p>

<p>wow. all i have to say is wow.</p>

<p>I have very similar stats as you (not as many ECs and not as many SATII...yeesh man), and I was rejected at both harvard and yale. </p>

<p>makes me feel better, though! :]</p>

<p>YOU GOT OWNED BY the colleges' games.</p>

<p>they play the diversity game.</p>

<p>they have too many of:
"Asian Male Living in New York.
Middle Class Family. "</p>

<p>it kinda sucks. it hurts the hardest-working asian students the most. i was waitlisted at my top schools too (im also an asian male). </p>

<p>dont feel too bad man. northwestern is good.</p>

<p>you got into upenn and dartmouth. dont complain, there are a whole lot of people who would cut somebodys throat just to be waitlisted at those places. you should have applied to duke too, they are suckers for good sat scores.</p>

<p>i aint complaining.......... im just saying why didnt they accept me. I have the valedectorian of my school was an Intel FINALIST, scored 2400 on SATs, and SAT 2, national emrit thingy,and still got rejected from ahrvard.</p>

<p>But im going to dartmouth</p>

<p>beenpro, that's a blessing in disguise; Darmouth is academically on par with Princeton (actually better if you wanna pursue business grad), and has a more friendlier atmosphere than Princeton, especially if youre from middle class cuz you dont have to be worried about being rejected at those eating clubs.</p>

<p>You will be happy @Dartmouth.</p>

<p>Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>thanks alot</p>

<p>WOAH... yr boards r fricken INSANEEEEE, same w/ extra curriculars...that's nuts. You know I really have to believe they just throw the application on to the ceiling and see which ones stick....was princeton yr #1?</p>

<p>no brown was</p>

<p>Ah...welll sry? However...i dunno if i can feel too much sympathy for some1 who go into northwestern and chicago. Both amazing schools, i'm sure u'll have a wonderful experience at either</p>

<p>I understand that it's hard not to get into your top choices, even if you have some great options left. Hey, I'm surprised my friends haven't killed me yet for being upset about waitlists at Williams and Amherst when I got into Princeton, arguably the best undergrad school around. If it's not your top choice, it's still hard to accept. But there's nothing else to do. So good luck, wherever you decide to go. Have positive expectations and your experience will be great.</p>

<p>pastariffic, I think that was very well said. =)</p>

<p>beenpro, what did you do to prep for your SATIIs??? They are amazing! ah!</p>

<p>I also got rejected from Pton, but not upset at all because I got accepted by Dartmouth, Stanford, Upenn, Cornell, Washu and JHU...</p>

<p>damn the man</p>

<p>you know if you prep for the SATs and the APs...... this was what you have to do....... you have to use the combiation of BOTH barrons review and Kaplan for them. Make sure you memorize everything, and keep on revising. took things one a time. In the 10th grade: achieved the 800 on my Biology, World History, Chemistry, and Math IC. You have to keep revising your work, and apparently you have to be good at multitasking. Remember what I said though....... Barrons and Kaplan combined. Same thing with my PSAT and SAT..... i used Kaplan and Barrons combined, and re did the workbooks over again about 4 times. </p>



<p>SAT Biology: 400 hours
SAT math IC: 450 hours
SAT English: 450 hours
SAt world history ( 100 hours)
SAT Math IC: 200 hours
SAT chemistry: 450 hours
SAT Latin: 400 hours
PSAT: 1200 hours
SAT: 1450 hours</p>

<p>( Ha! You must think that I am crazy right? Well it worked! I acheive all of these scores, and apparently the most toughest part of the SAT 2 and the SATs were the english part. I did ok though.... and by the end I had over a 1000 index cards.... that i kept on revising and practicing. Start when you are in the 9th grade, and give the SAT 2 in Biology. That will start you from there. Well I was drained in my school year practicing for APs, and my SAT 2, and my studying time, when I noticed that you have to spend a majority of your time in the sumemr as well, and on vacations too. You have t develop a gist for learnin, and have a passion, you have to work assdiously for three straight years, and as a result, it is quite rewarding. I sometimes stayed awake till 5 o clock in the morng, fitting my schedule. And remmeber in school, always keep on revising your subjects. I wish you all good luck, and I hope that all of you will achieve the same reuslts as me. Thanks you for your time!</p>

<p>PS: you must now think I am a true geek</p>

<p>I definitely don't think that's worth it.
You have to remember that once you get into college, it doesn't matter what you got on your SATs. I studied about 30 hours for all my standardized tests combined, and got in. No one's going to care...SATs are simply a means to an end.</p>