<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>I applied to UCSD as a freshman undergraduate and got rejected. I've heard from various sources that you can call the UCSD office and ask for the reason why (your points and the cutoff for this year). </p>
<p>Is this true?
Does anyone know the number and are there specific times during which you can call?</p>
<p>can you call tomorrow and let us know
now we are rejected so there is nothing to lose, please call and report back …</p>
<p>Okay, will do. I’ll call sometime in the early afternoon just to be safe.</p>
<p>thanks @cacophonous I’d love to hear how this goes!!</p>
<p>if it goes well, I will be doing the same</p>
<p>Just got off the phone with the admissions officer, the phone call took about an hour.</p>
<p>She was actually really nice and supportive. They changed their admissions process so they don’t have a “points” system anymore, which means that the person won’t be able to give you your points or the cutoff. Instead, they started doing holistic reviews which still puts the most weight on the GPA and then other factors such as test scores and ECs. Apparently I had everything down except for my GPA, which really was a bit low (3.7 UC).</p>
<p>Their acceptance rate is down to a 33% this year. I also asked about their waitlist, and it’s comprised of 2600 students in addition to the 18,600 that were admitted from over 53,000 applicants. Their average GPA was a 4.09 and the test score was a 1990. You have to pretty much meet these statistics and then have extra activities you participated in to make the cut. </p>
<p>My person was really knowledgeable in general, and even went into detail about their transfer program if you’re interested in that. You need a 3.5 GPA in community college and it’s a guaranteed transfer in.</p>
<p>Good luck with all your other schools! Just found out I got into UCSB today (:</p>
<p>Wow thank you for the info cacophonous… I can’t believe i got in with a 22 ACT!!! but but the only think with me is that i have a 4.1 UC GPA tons of AP and Honors courses extracurricular activities, community service, and my personal statement was amazing.</p>
<p>wut number did u call to get this info?</p>
<p>thank youuuu @cacophonous 
that was a lot of helpful information.
I have the same problem with a crap GPA
do you think I should still call or will they just tell me the same thing?</p>
<p>Did you ask her about ways you could appeal?</p>