<p>Hey y'all, this is kind of embarrassing, but I thought maybe I could get advice on CC.
The situation is I am in love with a good friend of mine. I told her last year, and I really messed it up and made everything uncomfortable. We really didn't speak much after that, but a few months later we became friends again, but it was always a little bit weird, just awkward silences and just it was not like talking to another of my friends on the phone. Just because I figured I needed to move on, I started going around with another girl, and this just made girl A jealous Its just that whenever we hang out I just get depressed afterward, because she is so cool to hang out with and we get along so well, but I can't say anything, because then we might never be friends again.</p>
<p>Thanks for listening to me mope for a bit :)</p>
<p>In what way did your new relationship with girl B make girl A jealous? Was she jealous because 1) you neglected hanging out with her as a friend while in the relationship with girl b, or 2) she maybe secretly wants you all to yourself? If I were you I’d try to get an outside perspective on this, i.e. talk to maybe an impartial friend who knows both of you.</p>
<p>And don’t be too embarrassed, almost everyone has had a situation similar to what you’ve encountered. It’s just life *sigh</p>
<p>This exact situation happened to my d, and she was girl A in your scenario.</p>
<p>In that case, my d discovered she liked the guy better after he went out with another girl, and now she thinks more positively about him even after he broke up with the second girl. She said she didn’t know him as well originally, he sort of rushed things because of youth and inexperience. My d doesn’t want a boyfriend in high school, and when she told him that, she meant it, but they are friends and since neither one is going out with anyone now, they do invite each other to proms and go together. I suspect this boy still likes my d a lot. She does like him more now that she has gotten to know him, but college looms so who knows what will happen eventually, if anything.</p>
<p>So…, with your situation, just relax and be friendly. That the girl remains friends with you means she likes you, but may not be looking at you as a boyfriend. That could change with time, who knows, but in the meantime, just be comfortable to be around. Be friendly and don’t push it. Let her have fun with you. And have some stock comments planned in advance to mention just to change the atmosphere when things get a little strained or uncomfortable, since this has been happening from time to time.</p>
<p>And keep your eyes open for other nice girls. There are plenty of them right now while you are young. What would be sad is if you focused too much on this girl and missed other opportunities to meet nice girls.</p>
<p>Girls in general tend to be shallow, so if you’re taken, it only ups your stock. This looks like a really easy way to bang girl A (to put in bluntly).</p>
<p>i know exactly how you feel, i was in a similar situation a few years ago. the key is that you have to let her know, because if you two are really good friends, and are comfortable with each other, it should stay that way regardless of how you feel about each other in the relationship sense. i am currently dating (have been for over a year now) a girl who was essentially one of my best friends beforehand. i cannot imagine it any other way</p>