Relevant Differences among Ridgecrest Honors dorms?

<p>Hi all, DD accepted her UA offer and we’re Bama Bound. Yeah! But I feel like we’re late to the housing game. She’d like to be in the honors housing of Ridgecrest S or East or West. What are the differences beyond the floor plans? She’s starting to connect on FB with roommates and hopefully will match with someone with an earlier date than we have. We’re from Chesapeake, VA. </p>

<p>Check on the UA website they will show you the floor plans for each of the dorms, plus some pictures of the actual rooms. I know Ridgecrest S has 2 rooms/1 bathroom down the hallway, the common room and kitchen in the middle, and 2 rooms/1 bathroom down the other hallway. Ridgecrest E has the common room with the kitchen and then a hallway which has 4 rooms on one side and the 2 bathrooms on the other side. </p>

<p>Thanks. She’s got roommates now and they picked Ridgecrest West! </p>

<p>She may be rooming with my DD. My DD is rooming in West with an engineering major from Chesapeake, VA. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>kroplady, that is probably my DD! We’ll have to message. My DD laughs at me and the info and I come up with from CC and facebook. Are you in the UA Class of 18 Parents FB Group?</p>

<p>I am not on Facebook but my DD is. My DD will be an engineering major too. </p>

<p>It will be great for DD to room with another engineer. Glad they connected. When is your DD doing BB?</p>

<p>I sent you a message. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>My son lived in Ridgecrest West for 2 years and loved it. You chose…wisely. :)</p>

<p>So glad to hear that. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>At this point I would not get your heart set on any particular dorm. You have no idea what will be open when it’s your time for room selection. Best to have several plans in place.</p>

<p>How quickly do the dorms fill? If you have the first time slot is pretty much everything open? </p>

<p>Returning students who chose to remain in campus housing have already selected their rooms. Freshman with the first slot are only “first” as far as the freshmen go. The dorms are not wide open. It’s reasonable that there will be a room with 4 open slots available in the first time slot but no guarantee as to what dorm that room will be in. Thus having a few plans just in case.</p>

<p>Thanks! That is good to know. </p>

<p>I think all of the Ridgecrest dorms are great, but my daughter will be a Freshman Advisor next year in Ridgecrest East, (and is living there now), so I guess that one is the best! :)) </p>

<p>I used to stress out so much over the café table versus the kitchenette table. After four years, it doesn’t matter. The kids don’t use it to eat. It usually becomes a dumping ground for groceries and take out until trash is finally taken out. I know it’s going to cost us a fortune next year for a one bedroom apartment for grad school, but not going to miss it one bit.</p>

<p>From strictly my parent perspective – RCW rooms C and D in the back have the best views of the lake! RCS is the meeting place for all things Honors, like the Tuesday Coffee hour. RCW and RCE are closer to the bus stop - ok that is pushing it.</p>

<p>DS let me do the housing selection last year since he was too busy having a real life, and I choose RCW 3 rd floor with an incredible view and easy walk to laundry (yup, no excuses to not get it done). His hall is super quiet and he still has yet to believe all the rooms are filled vs RCS where there was far more socializing this year. Never can tell which halls will have the open door policy.</p>

<p>All the suites are great and the kids will be fine in any of them.</p>