Relevant Research?

<p>As an applicant to a history program for Fall 2010, I was wondering if the research I have completed as an undergraduate should be mentioned, and if so, would it even be beneficial to me?</p>

<p>The research I conducted was an undergraduate research position working to digitize classic literature in foreign language (one which I am fluent in). Most of my duties involved computer knowledge and skills. I also received a grant to work on this project.</p>

<p>My question is would this research experience even "count" towards anything? Should I not even mention it in my SoP since it does not have much to do with history (besides being primary sources)? </p>

<p>I was planning on receiving a letter of recommendation from the professor for whom this research was done for as I hope that receiving a grant for any research project, and working with a professor would have some sort of positive influence on an application.</p>

<p>yes, that research definitely counts. mention the grant and the research in the application’s space for research, awards, or on your CV, but you don’t need to mention it in your SOP unless that project somehow informs your thesis/dissertation proposal.</p>

<p>the SOP can tie up a few loose ends (explaining anything not apparent in the rest of your application, like a lapse in grades), but for the most part it should be a project proposal that ties in your interests to those of a few faculty members at the prospective school. ideally, you should have one really close fit with one faculty member (the potential advisor), and then regional or thematic fits with a few others in the department. also helps if you can mention that the school has an archival collection or research center that would be beneficial to your work.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice StrangeLight. I was hoping that it would at least count for something. Otherwise, thanks for the advice regarding the SOP, that is how mine (in process) is set up currently. Regarding fit, it’s funny that you mentioned but at a particular school (my top choice probably) I have a great fit with a faculty member, and that school has two “centers” which fit exactly with what my proposed research topic is and could supplement it perfectly. For some reason though, I am still nervous about my chances at that school…</p>

<p>In my opinion, StrangeLight gave a very good answer that applies in every situation, but I think that in this particular case, this project absolutely should be covered in your SOP, whether or not it directly bears on your intended research area. </p>

<p>Digital humanities is hot right now. Getting a grant also needs to be mentioned. </p>

<p>If you will be thinking about a focus in public history, that is all the more reason to give sufficient attention to your project in the SOP.</p>