
<p>anyone going or applying to a religious-affiliated school?
If so where are you going? Has anyone heard of Gordon college in Wenham, MA? Are they really as liberal as they say? Did you love it? hate it?Anything at all will help me ALOT.</p>

<p>Religiously-affiliated schools run a gamut from historically affiliated (most LACs) to liberally affiliated (Haverford) to very affiliated (Wheaton).</p>

<p>I suggest you look at the schools' websites. See how many students and faculty do NOT share the school's religious view (what percentage, if indeed there are any who do not?). See if chapel is required. See what the student handbook's rules are... For example, do 'religious' rules enter in, such as 'no homosexuality,' 'no boys in girls dorms' -- etc? </p>

<p>This will give you clues about the extent to which religious beliefs permeate campus culture. </p>

<p>My D has a friend at Gordon and according to her it is quite religious (evangelical christian) but this particular friend likes that.</p>

<p>In general it seems like the catholic schools tend to be less religious than the evangelical schools.</p>

<p>Finally you can try livejournal. Most schools will have groups on livejournal where you can post questions to current students.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>