<p>How many of you were honest in what you put down on your application? I know a few people who put down "Catholic" just because...</p>
<p>I personally put down "None"</p>
<p>How many of you were honest in what you put down on your application? I know a few people who put down "Catholic" just because...</p>
<p>I personally put down "None"</p>
<p>I wrote Catholic/Christian. I don't feel wrong about doing it even though I go to a Protestant Church. One side of my family is catholic. I think I added the Catholic part after I heard how many Catholics went there. :)</p>
<p>Catholic...I actually am catholic</p>
<p>This is true.</p>
<p>as someone that's applying to be on the College admissions committee(hope i get in!), all I'll say is be careful what you put on these forums.</p>
<p>I think that I either wrote Jewish or I kept it private. I'm not sure, and I can't check because I didn't make a copy...</p>
<p>Muslim, and I proudly put it down. If they don't want me because I am muslim, then I don't want to go there.</p>
<p>do you honestly believe that Georgetown would deny someone b/c they're Muslim? No offense, but that's illogical. There are 3+ Muslims on my floor. I know another Muslim guy that got accepted to SFS from my HS district, and lives on the 4th floor of my dorm. There is a very vibrant Muslim community here, as well as a South Asian community(all I need to do is say Rangila). Just over half of the students are Catholic as well. If anything, being a non-Catholic should help, but not that much.</p>
<p>Your religion can only help you. Georgetown doesn't care if you are Catholic-it's a probably non factor because so many people who apply are. If you are Muslim than that's great because no University wants a Freshman class entirely of one religion. Carrera_GT, if anything being Muslim probably helped you. My best friend here is Muslim and I know most of the MSA, which is incredibly active and tight-knit. Now obviously I am not on the admissions committee so I speak for myself, but I would say using plain common sense that religion is used at the Georgetown the same way it is at other schools-as an indication of diversity, the only difference is is that Georgetown probably gets way more Catholic applicants than unaffiliated schools. Just because Georgetown is a jesuit institution doesn't mean that it is an institution for only Catholics, it means it is an institution that is affiliated with the Jesuits and prides itself in the Jesuit philosophy.</p>
<p>Read the Mission Statement:</p>
<p>Georgetown is a Catholic and Jesuit, student-centered research university.</p>
<p>Established in 1789 in the spirit of the new republic, the University was founded on the principle that serious and sustained discourse among people of different faiths, cultures, and beliefs promotes intellectual, ethical, and spiritual understanding. We embody this principle in the diversity of our students, faculty, and staff, our commitment to justice and the common good, our intellectual openness, and our international character.</p>
<p>An academic community dedicated to creating and communicating knowledge, Georgetown provides excellent undergraduate, graduate, and professional education in the Jesuit tradition—for the glory of God and the well-being of humankind.</p>
<p>Georgetown educates women and men to be reflective lifelong learners, to be responsible and active participants in civic life, and to live generously in service to others.</p>
<p>I think the Mission only shows that Georgetown is clearly open to all religions and it is important enough to them that it made it into the missin statement.</p>
<p>I put down Catholic because technically, that's what I am. I didn't feel like puting "atheist" down because I thought that that might be taken as a little bit disrespectful (IMO).</p>
<p>I put down Roman Catholic, which is 100% true. I would never lie about something like this... it just seems so wrong, especially since people would put down Catholic with the intention of it helping them get into the school. This is just as wrong as people who put down that they're Black or Mexican when they're really white. I've seen this done, no lie. I want to get into Georgetown on my own merit, no lies or deceit... what accomplishment is there in lying to get into a school??</p>
<p>Christian Orthodox</p>
<p>Well I doubt that they would admit or not admit somebody based on the religion they put down... it's mainly for statistical purposes (what difference would religion matter?). They must know that kids put down "catholic" for the sole reason that they think it will help them in the admissions process. I don't think it's really "cheating" the system because I strongly doubt that it is a factor at all in admissions.</p>
<p>JasonHoya... did I say that Georgetown would deny someone b/c they're Muslim?</p>
<p>Judging from your other post where you said that you shouldn't have put down that you were Muslim, and here where you said "if they didn't want me b/c I'm Muslim", the logical conclusion is that you were saying that putting down that you're Muslim played a role in denial. Sorry if i'm misinterpreting this, but that's just what I get from your statements.</p>
<p>Buddhist; accepted.</p>
<p>Christian/Protestant/Lutheran/Missouri Synod</p>
<p>I put however far down you can go.</p>
<p>Jewish; accepted</p>