Religious Backgrouds at Wheaton

I am interested in going to Wheaton college, but I’m worried that the religious aspect may be over the top. Are all students that go there evangelical christians or are there other denominations as well. I’m a Lutheran, would I fit in?

It’s an evangelical college meant for students who are serious about growing in their faith as well as academics, but see academics as necessarily christ-centered. There is a code of conduct, a statement of faith you have to sign, mandatory chapel.
If you’re worried this is “over the top” then the school may not be for you.

Are you Missouri synod or ELCA?

I am elca but feel that some of the policies they have are too liberal for me

Thank you so much for replying so soon!

Look carefully at their Creed and requirements, see of you’d be comfortable signing off on those. If you are, look into Hope or Calvin, perhaps John Brown or Samford. Check out Missouri Synod tenets, too, as this might be closer to what you’ll encounter - and Missouri Synod colleges.
Do apply to some ELCA Universities - St Olaf is likeky to be too liberal for you, as is Pacific Lutheran, but perhaps Texas Lutheran, Capital Ohio, or Concordia Moorhead may work.